Commissioner's message and purpose of the strategic plan
Commissioner's message and purpose of the Strategic Plan
Vision150 and Beyond strives to prepare the RCMP for the future and advance our modernization objectives, thereby ensuring we are a world-class police organization.
Commissioner's message

I'm proud to present the RCMP Strategic Plan as we approach our 150th anniversary in 2023. "Vision150 and Beyond" represents an ambitious path to a modern, inclusive and trusted RCMP. We are many things to many people and we will build on our strengths, meet our challenges head on, and continue to deliver world-class policing.
As 2020 has shown, large-scale events have the power to disrupt society in unpredictable ways, and our role in ensuring a safe Canada is more important than ever. While the pandemic will subside, we have identified the external mega-trends that will continue to impact our operating environment.
Meeting future challenges requires a healthy and agile workforce and partnerships with many groups, including building and repairing relationships with people and communities where trust has been broken.
All our employees, communities and partners have important roles to play and we must consult with those most impacted by our decision-making and the directions we take.
As Commissioner, my goal is to ensure that all Canadians, including our employees, trust the RCMP to keep them safe.
Vision150 and its four pillars are the roadmap for RCMP modernization.
We are an inclusive culture where everyone is welcome and valued. We will continue to listen closely to our employees and partners as we move forward. We will root out and address racism, sexism and all dishonourable conduct when it happens.
We are dedicated to having a healthy and diverse workforce using a "people first" approach. This means providing our staff with the right tools, equipment, training and support to carry out their duties safely and effectively. We want employees who are strong in mind and proud of the work they do.
We are committed to the delivery of leading-edge policing using new approaches and modern tools to support safe communities.
Plans are important, but results matter more. To be successful, all of the pieces must fit together so that everyone knows how they contribute.
Please follow our modernization story on our Vision150 Tracker. We have already made significant progress. For the first time, we have gender parity on the RCMP Senior Management Team.
We are embracing new technologies, like body-worn cameras, to enhance accountability. We have a new independent process for harassment resolution. Our employees continue to share their insights and ideas on what they need to do their jobs effectively, and how to make our organization even stronger.
I'm proud of these results – but there is much more to do, and we can't do it alone. We will continue to be open and honest, and have the difficult conversations with diverse people and communities, to help shape our actions. We can only achieve real progress when we all agree on what that looks like.
I want to thank each and every RCMP employee who works every day to make this country a safer place. Thank you for your courage, your empathy, your dedication and your commitment to our RCMP and to Canada. Together, we serve. Together, we succeed.
Purpose of the Strategic Plan
Building the RCMP of the future
The purpose of this Strategic Plan is to provide our organization with an ambitious future-state vision to strive towards, and a high-level action plan to achieve it.
This Strategic Plan builds upon previous planning efforts, and aims to provide cohesion to an expanding suite of strategic initiatives within the RCMP.
The plan speaks to the outcomes that the RCMP aims to achieve over the coming three to five years, reflects the positive changes that the achievement of those outcomes will produce, and presents the vision of how the RCMP will look in 2023 and beyond. Additionally, the plan details priority activities that must be implemented to achieve the desired results.

Vision150 and Beyond is the first organization-wide strategic document that has been developed in a number of years. As such, the process for its development, and the process by which performance is tracked, will be reviewed and refreshed on an annual basis to instill adaptability to the RCMP's central strategic planning function.
Why this plan matters to you...
The RCMP is a large and diverse organization with a broad and complex mandate. The dedicated and professional Regular and Reserve Members, Civilian Members and Public Service Employees who comprise our organization are the backbone of everything that we do.
This plan has been designed with our people, our partners and all residents of Canada at its heart.
Evolving, modernizing and continuously improving the RCMP is at the core of everything this plan intends to achieve. The intent of the Strategic Plan is to provide a vision of the RCMP that speaks to every one of our employees and our clients across Canada.
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