Contract Partners Survey

The Contract Partners Survey is a survey of mayors, leaders of Indigenous communities, as well as local, provincial, and territorial government representatives who are responsible for RCMP contracts within their respective jurisdictions. This year, there were 575 respondents.

Agree Neutral Disagree
How important is the RCMP's contribution to keeping Canadians safe? 98% 0% 1%
How satisfied are you with the RCMP's contribution to keeping Canadians safe? 83% 8% 9%
Agree Neutral Disagree
The RCMP demonstrates professionalism. 91% 7% 2%
RCMP personnel are honest. 85% 13% 3%
RCMP personnel demonstrate compassion. 78% 18% 4%
RCMP personnel treat people with respect. 80% 16% 4%
The RCMP is an organization with integrity. 80% 15% 5%
The RCMP is an accountable organization. 71% 20% 9%
The RCMP consistently achieves its objectives. 55% 31% 14%
The RCMP places an emphasis on providing services in the official language of my choice, English or French. 78% 20% 1%
The RCMP provides a high quality policing service. 73% 19% 8%
Partnership with the RCMP
Agree Neutral Disagree
I have trust and confidence in the RCMP. 82% 11% 7%
The RCMP has effective national leaders. 51% 36% 14%
The RCMP has effective local leaders. 80% 14% 5%
My organization highly values the RCMP's collaboration and work in my community/province/territory. 85% 9% 5%
My organization has a good working relationship with the RCMP in my community/province/territory. 86% 9% 5%
My organization is sufficiently involved in setting local RCMP policing priorities. 58% 25% 16%
My organization and the RCMP collaborate in the development of community plans, e.g. detachment/unit performance plans. 50% 28% 21%
The RCMP fulfils the commitments it has made. 63% 27% 10%
The RCMP provides appropriate consultation on decisions and actions that have an impact on my organization. 58% 26% 16%
My organization is satisfied with the administration and maintenance of the Provincial/Territorial Policing Service Agreements. 53% 31% 17%
My organization is satisfied with the administration and maintenance of the Municipal Policing Service Agreements. 53% 31% 17%
Agree Neutral Disagree
The RCMP is sensitive to the needs of different cultures and groups. 72% 21% 7%
The RCMP is sensitive to issues pertaining to youth. 79% 17% 4%
The RCMP treats Indigenous persons fairly. 64% 27% 9%
The RCMP treats members of visible minority communities fairly. 66% 27% 7%
The RCMP treats women fairly. 67% 25% 8%
The RCMP treats members of LGBTQ2S communities fairly. 63% 34% 4%
The RCMP treats people with a disability fairly. 70% 27% 3%
Service and Responsiveness
Agree Neutral Disagree
RCMP personnel have a visible presence in my community/ province/ territory. 65% 14% 21%
RCMP personnel are responsive to my organization's needs. 72% 17% 11%
The RCMP is prepared to respond to emergencies. 86% 9% 6%
The RCMP approach to policing reflects the values of my community. 67% 24% 9%
The RCMP is contributing to traffic safety in my province or territory. 78% 13% 10%
The RCMP rapidly adapts to new and emerging priorities. 58% 30% 12%
The RCMP has a motivated workforce. 65% 27% 8%
The RCMP is advancing reconciliation with the Indigenous peoples of Canada. 54% 37% 9%
Overall, the RCMP makes a valuable contribution to my community's long-term quality of life. 75% 17% 7%
Information and Communication
Agree Neutral Disagree
The RCMP provides timely information through the web and social media, such as Twitter and Facebook. 65% 27% 9%
The RCMP provides its clients with useful information about its work. 67% 23% 10%
The RCMP communicates effectively about its actions. 63% 24% 14%
RCMP information and intelligence are timely. 60% 30% 10%
RCMP information and intelligence is of high quality. 65% 27% 7%
Overall, I am satisfied with the information and intelligence the RCMP provide to my community/province/territory. 65% 22% 12%
Value and Accountability
Agree Neutral Disagree
The RCMP clearly demonstrates how it has used the funding provided by its municipal or provincial clients. 43% 32% 25%
The RCMP provides the level of service determined by the contracting jurisdiction as per the Police Service Agreement. 54% 30% 16%
The RCMP's services represent good value for money spent. 52% 30% 18%
The RCMP effectively deploys its resources. 55% 32% 13%
I am satisfied with the RCMP's financial planning process. 38% 44% 18%
RCMP personnel are knowledgeable and competent. 82% 15% 3%
The RCMP provides valuable National Police Services (forensic laboratories, CPIC, Canadian Firearms Program, cybercrime, etc.). 71% 26% 3%
Our organization is familiar with the RCMP's Canadian Police College mandate and the training that is offered. 40% 31% 30%
Operational Effectiveness
Agree Neutral Disagree
The RCMP is reducing the threat and impact of organized crime. 66% 23% 11%
The RCMP is reducing the threat and impact of serious crime, such as murder, sexual assault, robbery, and arson. 66% 23% 11%
The RCMP is reducing the sale and distribution of illegal drugs. 58% 25% 16%
The RCMP is effectively responding to threats to national security. 63% 31% 6%
The RCMP is effectively responding to the radicalization of individuals to violent extremism. 60% 32% 8%
The RCMP is effectively responding to cybercrime threats. 56% 36% 9%
The RCMP is effectively addressing online frauds and scams. 56% 30% 14%
The RCMP is addressing youth involvement in crime as offenders. 64% 28% 8%
The RCMP is addressing youth involvement in crime as victims. 63% 29% 7%
The RCMP is contributing to safer Indigenous communities. 61% 31% 8%
The RCMP is reducing the impact of economic crime, such as money laundering and stock market (capital market) fraud. 51% 41% 8%
The RCMP provides modern contract policing services. 55% 35% 10%
Overall, I am satisfied with the RCMP's delivery of its programs and services. 64% 23% 13%
  • * The survey was administered online from January 27, 2022 to March 22, 2022.
  • * Questions were answered on a 5-point scale and summarized to agree/neutral/disagree to facilitate review.
  • * Percentages may sometimes not add to 100 due to rounding.
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