Commissioner’s commitments made from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That following the Supreme Court's decision in Kirkpatrick, the RCMP should take steps to provide training to its members regarding the surreptitious removal of a condom and the law of consent. The RCMP should also develop its Sexual Assault Investigations Best Practices Guide to assist members in the investigation of such offences. | Supported | Completed on 2024-03-11 |
That once the training and best practices have been developed, that one Constable should receive such training. | Supported | In progress: E Division to implement |
That following the Supreme Court's decision in Kirkpatrick, the RCMP should take steps to provide training to its members regarding the surreptitious removal of a condom and the law of consent. The RCMP should also develop its Sexual Assault Investigations Best Practices Guide to assist members in the investigation of such offences. | Supported | Completed on 2024-03-11 |
Once the training and best practices have been developed, that one Corporal should receive such training. | Supported | Completed on 2024-03-11 |
That the RCMP should take the necessary steps to amend its policy on sexual offences to require that in those cases where there is a change in investigator, the victim be informed of the change as soon as practicable and that the new investigator contact the victim without delay. | Supported | In progress: C&IP to implement |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That two Constables and one Corporal should receive operational guidance regarding the steps to be taken by RCMP members when conducting a wellness check in relation to the Mental Health Act, and the importance of thorough, detailed, and contemporaneous record-keeping. | Supported | Completed on 2023-05-26 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That one Sergeant should be reminded of the current law and policy surrounding the proper release processes in place for individuals who refuse to sign release documents. | Supported | Completed on 2023-05-16 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That two Constables should be directed to read this report. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-05 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That one Constable should receive operational guidance concerning the proper processing and disposal of exhibits, in accordance with RCMP policy. | Supported | Completed on 2023-07-25 |
That one Constable should receive operational guidance, mentoring, or training on conducting property crime investigations. | Supported | Completed on 2023-07-25 |
That an appropriate member of the RCMP should extend a written apology to the complainant for the overall investigative failures in this matter. | Supported | Completed on 2023-07-25 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That the RCMP should apologize to the complainant for unlawfully arresting her inside her residence and for unreasonably apprehending her child. | Supported | Completed on 2023-10-11 |
That the involved RCMP members should receive operational guidance on the requirements for apprehending a child pursuant to a British Columbia Family Law Act order respecting parenting time. | Supported | Completed on 2023-10-11 |
That the RCMP Commissioner's delegate should review E Division's policy pertaining to parenting time enforcement. | Supported | Completed on 2023-10-11 |
That the Commissioner's delegate be instructed to review the Commission's Final Report in this matter. | Supported | Completed on 2023-10-11 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That the RCMP should provide the complainant with a written apology for the unreasonable strip search that was conducted on her. | Supported | Completed on 2023-05-31 |
That two Constables should be directed to read the Commission's report. | Supported | Completed on 2023-05-31 |
That the RCMP should direct that every RCMP member at their Detachment review the current RCMP national operational policy on personal searches, including the sections on strip searches and searches prior to cell booking. | Supported | Completed on 2023-05-31 |
That the RCMP should confirm to the Commission that one Staff Sergeant provided operational guidance to one Constable regarding the unreasonable arrest of the complainant and lack of police notes. | Supported | Completed on 2023-05-31 |
That If no operational guidance was provided, one Constable should be directed to read this report to be made aware of the Commission's concerns regarding his arrest of the complainant and lack of police notes. | Supported | Completed on 2023-05-31 |
That one Constable read this report so that he is aware of the complainant's and of the Commission's concerns. | Supported | Completed on 2023-05-31 |
That the RCMP should consider amending the policy on guarding prisoners to specifically refer users to the policy on personal searches. | Supported | Completed on 2024-07-11 |
That the National Public Complaints Directorate will prepare communication material and provide Divisions with information relating to noted issues in public complaint files relating to prisoner care and strip searches. This will include information relating to policy amendments. | Supported | Completed on 2024-04-02 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That the RCMP should submit the investigation into the complainant's case to its national Sexual Assault Review Team for an expert file review to determine if further investigation or charges might be appropriate. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-05 |
That one Constable to review the documents cited in the Commission's recommendation. That documentation deals with certain myths and misconceptions around the behavior of sexual assault victims that should be excluded from consideration by investigators. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-05 |
That one Constable take the "Using a Trauma-Informed Approach" course if he has not already done so. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-05 |
That the Detachment should ensure that its members offer immediate contact with Victim Services in all cases involving sexual offence complaints. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-05 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That one Staff Sergeant should receive operational guidance, mentoring, or training regarding the duty to take adequate notes. | Supported | Completed on 2023-10-13 |
That one Staff Sergeant should receive operational guidance, mentoring, or training regarding section 31 of the Criminal Code. | Supported | Completed on 2023-10-13 |
That one Staff Sergeant should receive operational guidance, mentoring, or training regarding the requirements of section 498 of the Criminal Code. | Supported | Completed on 2023-10-13 |
That one Staff Sergeant should receive operational guidance, mentoring, or training regarding the requirements of section 10(b) of the Charter. | Supported | Completed on 2023-10-13 |
That the RCMP should provide the complainant with a written apology for the unreasonable strip search that one Staff Sergeant conducted. | Supported | Completed on 2023-10-13 |
That one Staff Sergeant should receive training on personal searches, with specific focus on the requirements for conducting strip searches. | Supported | Completed on 2023-10-13 |
That the RCMP should direct the detachment commander to take appropriate steps to ensure that all RCMP members are properly following the personal search policy, in particular, that strip searches are being carried out in a lawful manner and documented according to policy. | Supported | Completed on 2023-10-13 |
That the RCMP should incorporate these findings into the written apology to be provided to the complainant. | Supported | Completed on 2023-10-13 |
That the RCMP should assess the overall situation involving the Staff Sergeant and the complainant and implement a strategy to help prevent future issues. | Supported | Completed on 2023-10-13 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That one Constable should be reminded of the need to promptly inform everyone arrested or detained of the reasons and to provide them with their right to counsel without delay, as required under section 10 of the Canadian Charter or Rights and Freedoms. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-12 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That Constables Bouthillier and Miller should receive operational guidance, mentoring, or training regarding the law of investigative detentions, with a particular focus on the case law surrounding psychological detention. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-16 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That the RCMP should offer the complainant an apology for the failure to keep her informed during the sexual assault investigation, as well as the failure to refer her to Victim Services in a timely manner. | Supported | Completed on 2023-09-13 |
That the Division provide the one Constable and the one Corporal with operational guidance on referrals to appropriate Victim Services, as these are specific to their Division. | Supported | Completed on 2023-09-13 |
To ensure that operational guidance is provided about all of the deficiencies in the investigation, the RCMP should submit the file for the sexual assault investigation into the complainant's case to the SART. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-21 |
That the RCMP should provide operational guidance to the one Constable and the one Corporal about the trauma-informed approach, and should ensure that they receive the relevant training. | Supported | Completed on 2023-09-13 |
The RCMP should confirm in its response to the Commission's report whether an external sexual assault review committee is in place for the Division and, if one is not in place, the RCMP should ensure that one is established as soon as possible and should undertake to inform the Commission once this is done. The RCMP should also make this information public. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-21 |
The RCMP should confirm in its response to the Commission's report that the Division has put in place a process to ensure appropriate supervisory oversight of sexual assault investigations. This should include one or more of the following measures:
If the Division has not put in place such a process, the RCMP should direct the Division to do so. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-21 |
That a follow-up be made with all divisions to ensure that timely contact with Victim Services is offered to sexual assault complainants in all divisions and that a list of available Victim Services programs is available to RCMP members. | Supported | In progress: NPCD to implement |
That the RCMP should provide operational guidance to one Staff Sergeant about the appropriate role of a public complaint investigator. | Supported | Completed on 2023-09-13 |
That the RCMP should provide operational guidance to one Staff Sergeant about the trauma-informed approach, and should ensure that he receives the relevant training, which is now required for all RCMP employees who interact with the public. | Supported | Completed on 2023-09-13 |
That one Corporal and two Constables should receive operational guidance on the use of force when conducting mental health apprehensions. | Supported | Completed on 2023-09-13 |
That one Corporal and two Constables to review the Commission's Final Report in this matter and Operational Manual, chapter 25.2., "Investigator's Notes" to remind them of their note-taking obligations. | Supported | Completed on 2023-09-13 |
That one Staff Sergeant, as well as all RCMP members of this District who were involved in investigating the complainant's complaints and providing disclosure to the Commission, should receive operational guidance on the importance of diligently gathering, preserving and disclosing evidence in public complaint investigations. | Supported | Completed on 2023-09-13 |
The Division Professional Responsibility Unit should be directed to take steps to ensure that there are adequate processes in place in the division to ensure that public complaint evidence is adequately preserved and disclosed to the Commission. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-21 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That the RCMP should apologize to the complainant. | Supported | Completed on 2023-07-19 |
That one Constable read the Commission's Final Report so that he gains more awareness of the CRCC's and of the complainant's concerns. | Supported | Completed on 2023-07-19 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That an appropriate member of the RCMP should provide the complainant with a sincere written apology for her arrest and for the traumatic effect it has had on her and her young child who witnessed the arrest. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-16 |
That two Constables should receive operational guidance, mentoring, or training concerning the elements of the offence of break. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-16 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That The RCMP, in conjunction with the Nova Scotia Department of Justice, should carry out an audit of one Constable's past files that resulted in convictions. Each must be examined to determine if a miscarriage of justice has occurred. To that end, the Commission will disclose a copy of its final report to the Nova Scotia Minister of Justice, the provincial Chief Crown Prosecutor, and the Public Prosecution Service of Canada, for their action. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-30 |
That the outcome of this audit be disclosed to the National Public Complaints Directorate. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-30 |
That the Commanding Officer of the Division or their delegate should consider referring one Constable's apparent perjury for criminal prosecution. | Supported | Completed on 2023-09-27 |
That the RCMP should carry out an investigation to determine whether conduct proceedings or performance measures should be considered against one Constable's supervisor(s). | Supported | Completed on 2023-09-27 |
That the RCMP Commissioner should refer this matter to the applicable RCMP civil claims unit to assess whether the complainant should be compensated for his legal costs associated to this matter. | Supported | Completed on 2023-09-27 |
That the Division RCMP Senior Management/The Officer-in-Charge of Traffic Services (OIC Traffic Services) provide the apology concerning his treatment in this case. | Supported | Completed on 2023-09-27 |
That the apology be delivered by the Division RCMP Management/OIC Traffic Services and include wording which speaks to the professionalism expected of an RCMP officer when conducting enforcement activities. | Supported | Completed on 2023-09-27 |
That the Criminal Operations Officers in conjunction with the Professional Responsibility Units for D, E and G Divisions carry out an audit of one Constable's past files in their respective divisions to determine if a miscarriage of justice occurred. | Supported | Completed on 2023-07-06 |
That the outcome of these audits be disclosed to the National Public Complaints Directorate. | Supported | Completed on 2023-07-26 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That the RCMP should update the police file to ensure that it accurately reflects the child's statement regarding the alleged assault to his head. | Supported | Completed on 2024-01-22 |
That the RCMP should reassess the matter to determine whether further investigation might be warranted. | Supported | Completed on 2024-01-22 |
That the RCMP should consider changing its public complaint investigation practices such that children are not interviewed as part of the public complaint investigation process unless the value of their evidence and the seriousness of the matter outweigh the potential negative impacts, including possible emotional harm to the child. | Supported | Completed on 2023-09-29 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That all claims analysts, from within your sector, are aware that if issues of a member's conduct are raised during civil discovery or a production process that consideration be given to matters under Part IV and Part VII of the RCMP Act. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-10 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That An appropriate member of the RCMP should provide the complainant with a written apology for the failure to release him from custody in a timely manner. | Supported | Completed on 2023-10-17 |
That one Inspector along with the Public Complaint Investigator/Corporal take the newly updated Public Complaints Investigator course through Agora to ensure that future public complaints investigations are thorough and that the Final Reports take into consideration the correct standard of proof when providing a rationale for conclusions reached. | Supported | Completed on 2023-10-17 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That one Constable should be directed to read the Commission's report and to discuss it with his supervisor. | Supported | Completed on 2023-09-19 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That one Constable should receive operational guidance, training, or mentoring about police powers during an impaired driving investigation, including the standard of "reasonable grounds to suspect," and about the importance of documenting the grounds justifying investigative or enforcement actions. | Supported | Completed on 2023-09-29 |
That an appropriate member of the RCMP should provide the complainant with a written apology for his unreasonable detention. | Supported | Completed on 2023-09-29 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That two Constables should receive operational guidance on the importance of using an appropriate and proportional level of force, making reasonable attempts to de-escalate situations, and seeking to avoid causing unnecessary pain or aggravation of injuries. | Supported | Completed on 2023-11-03 |
That the RCMP should consider reimbursing the complainant for any medical expenses he incurred as a result of the unreasonable use of force on his person. | Supported | Completed on 2023-11-03 |
That two Constables should receive operational guidance on the importance of promptly seeking medical assistance when necessary. | Supported | Completed on 2023-11-03 |
That one Constable should receive operational guidance on the RCMP Act's requirement that every RCMP member act in a courteous, respectful and honourable manner. | Supported | Completed on 2023-11-03 |
That two Constables receive operational guidance on the legal provisions about the impact of an accused person's failure or refusal to sign release documents. | Supported | Completed on 2023-11-03 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That an appropriate member of the RCMP should extend an apology to the complainant with regard to his unreasonable arrest, and the consequent unreasonable use of force and suspension of his driver's licence. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-11 |
That one Corporal should receive operational guidance regarding the legal grounds for arrest and the offence of obstructing a peace officer. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-11 |
That one Corporal receive operational guidance regarding the proper documentation of the decision-making process surrounding access to counsel for detainees. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-11 |
That the Commissioner's delegate/Inspector who signed the RCMP's report should be provided with a copy of this report as a reminder to follow RCMP policy as it relates to assigning a public complaint investigator. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-11 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That one Constable should receive operational guidance, mentoring, and training about his legal authorities to arrest a person for public intoxication and for causing a disturbance. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-27 |
That the RCMP should issue an apology to the complainant for its inappropriate handling of her public complaint and for its failure to document either the reasons for denying her requests or any action taken in response to the requests. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-27 |
That the RCMP should provide operational guidance and training to one Superintendent, the author of the RCMP's report, and to the Detachment leadership, about the conduct of public complaint investigations in accordance with the guidance from the RCMP's National Public Complaints Guidebook, including the requirement to avoid conflicts of interest. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-27 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
The RCMP should, without further delay, further investigate the victim's death as a suspicious death and ensure that the family is kept up to date on the status of the investigation. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-09 |
The RCMP should consult with the Yukon Coroner's Service to determine whether the findings related to the victims's death should be reconsidered in light of the evidence available today. To assist in this endeavour, the Commission will provide a copy of its final report to the Chief Coroner of the Yukon. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-09 |
The RCMP should consider whether operational files involving human deaths should be retained longer, even where no criminality is immediately determined. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-13 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That the RCMP should work cooperatively with relevant stakeholders to explore implementing electronic reporting of evidentiary seizures such as those captured by section 489 of the Criminal Code. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-23 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That the Detachment Commander should take steps to ensure that all prisoners are provided the meaningful opportunity to retain counsel, even if multiple telephone calls are required to do so. | Supported | Completed on 2023-11-10 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That two Constables should receive operational guidance regarding the duty to generate reasonably detailed notes and occurrence reports. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-13 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That one Constable should receive written guidance, mentoring, or training regarding the grounds for an arrest for mischief. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-13 |
That one Constable should receive written guidance, mentoring, or training regarding the Criminal Code provisions about holding a person in custody and the circumstances in which the police should release a prisoner as soon as practicable. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-13 |
That one Constable should receive written guidance, mentoring, or training regarding the emergency police power to apprehend persons under the British Columbia Mental Health Act. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-13 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That the RCMP's Division senior management should review its cannabis regulatory policy with a view to providing comprehensive guidance to detachments on when to engage the Community Safety Unit. | Supported | In progress: E Division to implement |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That one Constable should receive operational guidance on the expectation that RCMP members hold themselves to the highest professional standards in their interactions with the public. | Supported | Completed on 2023-11-23 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That the Commission recommends that the RCMP provide operational guidance to Constable Duncan regarding the importance of providing and documenting the provision of Charter rights to arrested persons in a timely manner. | Supported | Completed on 2023-10-26 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That one Constable should receive operational guidance, mentoring, or training about identifying and seizing evidence. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-01 |
That one Sergeant should receive operational guidance with respect to the need to identify and seize evidence as well as ensuring that investigations are thoroughly documented, in accordance with the applicable national RCMP policy at Operational Manual, Ch. 25.2. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-05 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That the RCMP should provide three Constables with operational guidance or training regarding their responsibilities pursuant to section 10(b) of the Charter, particularly in relation to apprehended persons. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-13 |
That the RCMP members should receive operational guidance, mentoring or training on RCMP policy concerning mental health interventions. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-13 |
That the RCMP members should receive training on trauma-informed approaches to policing. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-13 |
That the Public Complaints Investigator/Sergeant, review the Commission's report along with my response to enhance her awareness of the requirement to inform persons apprehended under the Mental Health Act of their Charter rights for future investigations. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-13 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
One Corporal and three Constables should receive operational guidance, training, or mentoring regarding the requirement to conduct a reasonable criminal investigation, including by identifying witnesses and obtaining and preserving relevant evidence in a timely manner. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-06 |
One Corporal and three Constables should be directed to read this report. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-06 |
One Corporal should receive operational guidance, mentoring, or training regarding the requirements of section 10(b) of the Charter and proper note-taking with respect to the exercise of that right. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-06 |
One Corporal should receive operational guidance, mentoring, or training regarding proper articulation of the reasons for delays in the release of a prisoner. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-06 |
One Corporal and three Constables should receive operational guidance regarding the RCMP's policy on ICVS usage. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-06 |
One Corporal should receive operational guidance, mentoring, or training regarding the requirements for conducting reasonable public complaint investigations. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-06 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That a senior member of the RCMP should apologize to the complainant on behalf of the RCMP for his unlawful arrest. | Supported | Completed on 2024-03-11 |
That three Constables should receive operational guidance, training or mentoring concerning the requirements for conducting warrantless arrests. | Supported | Completed on 2024-03-11 |
That three Constables should receive operational guidance, training or mentoring concerning the requirements for conducting arrests in a dwelling-house. | Supported | Completed on 2024-03-11 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That two Constables should receive operational guidance on their authority to serve documents on private property. | Supported | Completed on 2023-12-15 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That the RCMP should apologize to the complainant for her unlawful arrest and for the force used during the arrest. | Supported | Completed on 2024-01-15 |
That one Constable should receive operational guidance on section 31 (1) of the Criminal Code. | Supported | Completed on 2024-01-15 |
That one Constable review J Division Operational Manual, Chapter 18.2., "Special Considerations: Breach of Peace", which specifically outlines member considerations surrounding the decision to arrest for breach of the peace. | Supported | Completed on 2024-01-15 |
The RCMP should apologize to the complainant for the RCMP members failure to give her a jacket during the snowstorm and for their failure to buckle her seat belt while in the police vehicle. | Supported | Completed on 2024-01-15 |
One Constable should receive operational guidance about the RCMP's policy on prisoner escorts and about best practices when escorting prisoners. | Supported | Completed on 2024-01-15 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That one Corporal and one Sergeant should receive operational guidance, mentoring or remedial training on the proper supervision of sexual assault investigations. | Supported | Completed on 2024-01-03 |
That all members tasked with investigating criminal complaints of sexual assault should be required to have successfully completed the Sexual Offences Investigations course. | Supported | Completed on 2024-06-27 |
The RCMP should consider making it a part of its national policy on sexual offences that members will proactively provide updates to the victim on a regular basis to help facilitate their active participation in the criminal justice process. | Supported | Completed on 2024-01-03 |
The RCMP should amend its policy on sexual offences to require that in those cases where there is a change in investigator, the victim be informed of the change as soon as practicable and that the new investigator contact the victim without delay. | Supported | Completed on 2024-01-03 |
That one Corporal should receive operational guidance regarding the need to ensure that an investigator and a victim maintain a positive relationship throughout the investigative process. In addition, the guidance should address the need that any request to reassign a new investigator during a sexual assault investigation be given careful consideration and that the appropriate action be taking to support the request, where possible. | Supported | Completed on 2023-12-22 |
The RCMP should consider amending its national policy to address the relationship between the investigator and the victim for sexual assault investigations. Such an amendment should canvas the importance of developing a strong relationship built on mutual trust and respect and indicate that the initial investigator, as much as possible, should remain as the investigator throughout the entire investigative process. If, however, changes are required, for either operational reasons or following a request by the victim, the RCMP is to give such requests careful consideration and take appropriate steps to accommodate the request, where possible. | Supported | Completed on 2023-12-22 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
The RCMP should extend a culturally sensitive apology to the complainant's family for the many investigative gaps identified throughout this report and demonstrate an understanding of how these gaps amount to discrimination | Supported in part | In progress: K Division to implement |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
The RCMP should provide the Sûreté du Québec with the information collected about the missing person case as part of its investigation following requests from the FFADA Commission, its investigation into the public complaint and any other investigation it has conducted. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-12 |
The RCMP should consider working with the Sûreté du Québec should it decide to reopen the missing person's case investigation. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-12 |
The RCMP should inform the family members of the missing person case of the actions it will take in response to the above recommendations. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-12 |
The RCMP should provide the family members of the missing person with all relevant information regarding the investigative steps taken prior to the public complaint investigation and confirm to the Commission that the following information has been provided:
| Supported | In progress: Contract and Indigenous Policing to implement |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That One Constable should receive operational guidance, mentoring, or training on conducting Criminal Code traffic investigations. | Supported | In progress: K Division to implement |
As the custodians of CPIC and CIIDS, the RCMP should consider whether critical information should be more prominently displayed. Without limiting the scope of this recommendation, the Commission suggests that the RCMP consider: Whether CPIC information must be displayed in all Supported caps. Whether critical information can be highlighted using a different color or font size, whether audible alerts could be used to highlight particularly urgent information. | Supported | Completed on 2024-01-15 |
An appropriate member of the RCMP should extend a written apology to the complainant for the RCMP's failure to identify her vehicle as stolen during the roadside stop. The subsequent investigative actions taken in error by one Constable, his attitude, and the insensitive comments contained in the letter prepared by the RCMP Commissioner's delegate. | Supported | In progress: K Division to implement |
That one Constable should receive operational guidance concerning respectful communications. | Supported | In progress: K Division to implement |
The RCMP Commissioner's delegate should be directed to read this report. | Supported | In progress: K Division to implement |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That one Constable should receive operational guidance, training or mentoring with respect to responding to supported mental health crises. | Supported | Completed on 2024-01-19 |
Given the concerns expressed by one Constable, the Division's Senior Management should take steps to ensure that all detachment commanders are reminded that the Charter right to counsel applies in cases of apprehensions under the IPTA. | Supported | Completed on 2024-01-19 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
The RCMP should apologize to the complainant for improperly terminating this part Supported of his public complaint. | Supported | In progress: E Division to implement |
That the RCMP should conduct a public complaint investigation, including by identifying the RCMP members involved and giving them the opportunity to make statements, and issue a report. | Supported | In progress: E Division to implement |
The RCMP should revise the Uniform and Dress Manual and develop national policies to only permit the removal of name tags in specific circumstances. | Supported | Completed on 2024-01-15 |
Subject to exceptional cases like undercover RCMP members, these policies should state that name tags may only be removed where a system for visually distinguishing and identifying RCMP members is in place and used. | Supported | Completed on 2024-01-15 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That the Commissioner's delegate should be directed to read this report. | Supported | In progress: E Division to implement |
That the Commissioner's delegate should be directed to read the most recent version of the RCMP's Public Complaint Guidebook. | Supported | In progress: E Division to implement |
That two Constables should be directed to read this report. | Supported | In progress: E Division to implement |
That one Constable should receive operational guidance, training, or mentoring concerning his attitude. | Supported | In progress: E Division to implement |
That an appropriate member of the RCMP should extend a written apology to the complainant, delivered by email, concerning one Constable's attitude and the threat to shoot the complainant's dog. | Supported | In progress: E Division to implement |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That two Constables be required to read the Commission's Final Report to ensure that they fully understand the law as it relates to searches. | Supported | In progress: B Division to implement |
That the RCMP should take steps to ensure that employees processing public complaints in their Division are aware of the criteria for accepting public complaints concerning retired RCMP members. | Supported | In progress: B Division to implement |
That the Delegate, Assistant Commissioner, and the public complaint investigator/Superintendent, be required to read the Commission's Final Report to ensure they are aware of the criteria for accepting public complaints concerning retired RCMP members. | Supported | In progress: B Division to implement |
That the Criminal Operations Officer of their Division read the Commission's Final Report and take steps to ensure that employees processing public complaints in are aware of the criteria for accepting public complaints concerning retired RCMP members. | Supported | In progress: B Division to implement |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That two Constables should be required to read this report and the RCMP's policy on prisoner's service animals. | Supported | In progress: E Division to implement |
That two Constables should be provided with operational guidance on the requirement to document the reasons for their decisions and actions. | Supported | In progress: E Division to implement |
That the RCMP should consider providing policy guidance to its members for situations where a prisoner whose medical condition or disability has been accommodated by the RCMP is transferred to another partner agency. | Supported | Completed on 2024-05-03 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That one Constable should receive operational guidance, training or mentoring concerning the requirements for conduction warrantless arrests. | Supported | Complete on 2024-03-18 |
That one Constable should be directed to read this report. | Supported | Complete on 2024-03-18 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That one Constable and one Sergeant should receive additional training on the investigation of sexual assaults to young persons, and in particular the law of consent. Until this additional training has been completed to the satisfaction of each member's supervisor, neither member should be involved in the investigation of sexual assaults. | Supported | In progress: K Division to implement |
That the supervisors of one Constable and one Sergeant should complete a file review of past sexual assault investigations conducted by either member to ensure that other investigations did not suffer from similar failures, particularly with respect to assessments of consent. | Supported | Completed on 2024-05-21 |
That the RCMP should provide complete disclosure of the materials from both the initial investigation and the second investigation and seek another opinion from the Alberta Crown Prosecution Service regarding potential criminal charges for the reported sexual assault. | Supported | Completed on 2024-05-21 |
That an appropriate member of the RCMP should provide a written apology to the complainants for initially failing to investigate the reported sexual assault in a reasonable manner. | Supported | Completed on 2024-05-21 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That two Constable should receive operational guidance, mentoring, or training regarding the Domestic Violence and Stalking Act and the role of police officers in assisting victims of domestic violence. | Supported | In progress: D Division to implement |
That the Detachment Commander should ensure that all members of the Detachment are familiar with their responsibilities pursuant to the Domestic Violence and Stalking Act and related RCMP policy. | Supported | In progress: D Division to implement |
That an appropriate member of the RCMP should extend an apology reflecting the Commission's findings to complainant and her son. | Supported | In progress: D Division to implement |
That the RCMP should review and amend its policy manuals to correct broken links, and to ensure that members understand the requirement for all court orders. That contemplate police enforcement to be properly served upon the police and entered into CPIC. | Supported | In progress: D Division to implement |
The RCMP should incorporate the Commission's findings regarding this allegation into the recommended apology. | Supported | In progress: D Division to implement |
That the RCMP should review all pending relevant charges against the complainant's ex spouse to ensure that its reports to Crown counsel reflect the correct terms of the protection order. | Supported | Completed on 2024-02-13 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That one Corporal should receive operational guidance, mentoring, or training concerning the requirements under the RCMP Act and RCMP policy for receiving public complaints. | Supported | Completed on 2024-03-20 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That as the supervising officer in this case, one Corporal should be provided with operational guidance as to the importance of conduction a reasonably thorough investigation into conduct that may be criminal in nature. | Supported | In progress: E Division to implement |
That the officer in charge of the Detachment should consider whether it would be warranted to reopen the investigation into the text message, considering the seriousness of the matter, the sources of information available, and the passage of time. | Supported | In progress: E Division to implement |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That one Constable should receive operational guidance about the requirement to record extrajudicial measures taken regarding a young person, in accordance with the Youth Criminal Justice Act, as well as about the importance of documenting his actions taken during the course of his duties. | Supported | In progress: E Division to implement |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That the RCMP should provide operational guidance, training, or mentoring to one Constable about the necessary grounds for conducting a protective pat-down search during an investigative detention and about the importance of documenting those grounds. | Supported | Completed on 2024-04-04 |
That the RCMP should provide operational guidance, training, or mentoring to one Constable regarding the grounds required to make an arrest. | Supported | Completed on 2024-04-04 |
That one Constable should receive operational guidance on the expectation that RCMP members hold themselves to the highest professional standards in their interactions with the public. | Supported | Completed on 2024-04-04 |
The RCMP should provide operational guidance and training to one Staff Sergeant, the author of the RCMP's report, about the conduct of public complaint investigations in accordance with the guidance of the RCMP's National Public Complaints Guidebook, including the requirement to avoid conflicts of interest. | Supported | Completed on 2024-04-04 |
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