Commissioner’s commitments made from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That one subject member should receive operational guidance concerning proper note taking. | Supported | Completed on 2022-04-25 |
That two subject members should receive operational guidance concerning multiple conducted energy weapon deployments. | Supported | Completed on 2022-04-25 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the RCMP should consider amending its national or divisional policies, practices, or training to be more responsive to the needs of those experiencing problematic substance use concerns. | Supported | Previously implemented as of 2022-04-04 |
The Detachment Commander should be directed to consider improving partnerships with community resources to better assist people living with mental health or problematic substance use concerns. Already met however simply directing that a copy of the CRCC's Interim Report and a copy of the Commissioner's Response be provided to the Detachment Commander | Supported | Completed on 2022-06-10 |
That one subject member should receive operational guidance concerning RCMP policies related to mental health and problematic substances use concerns and on identifying intoxication signs and symptoms. | Supported | Completed on 2022-06-10 |
That another subject member should receive operational guidance concerning the need to keep all relevant police databases updated with critical information. | Supported | Completed on 2022-06-10 |
That the RCMP should apologize to the complainant for the destruction of their personal items. | Supported | Completed on 2022-06-10 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That three subject members should receive training on trauma-informed approaches to policing. | Supported | Completed on 2022-09-29 |
That an appropriate member of the RCMP should apologize to the complainant and their family for the manner in which police handled this situation. | Supported | Completed on 2022-09-29 |
That the three subject members should receive operational guidance, mentoring, or training on RCMP policy concerning mental health interventions. | Supported | Completed on 2022-09-29 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That in addition to the remedies already implemented by the RCMP, the subject member should receive operational guidance, mentoring, or training concerning their obligation to follow through on commitments made to a court. | Supported | Completed on 2022-05-03 |
Although not mentioned in the report, A/Comm would like to ensure that a copy of the CRCC's report and the Commissioner's response is provided to the OIC of E Division Traffic Services, and direct them specifically to paragraph 26 and 27 of the CRCC report, and provide them with information on E Division's Operational Policy Unit to ensure processes related to disclosure are clearly understood moving forward | Additional Commitment from the RCMP | Completed on 2022-05-03 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That two subject members should receive operational guidance on the importance of note taking. | Supported | Completed on 2022-06-10 |
That one subject member should receive operational guidance and/or training on police disclosure obligations and on the importance of fulfilling such obligations in a thorough and timely manner. | Supported | Completed on 2022-06-10 |
That one subject member receive operational guidance on the importance of note taking due to their failure to make any contemporaneous written or electronic notes concerning their involvement with the complainants on June 2, 2019. | Supported | Unable to implement - member retired from RCMP |
That one subject member receive operational guidance and/or training on police disclosure obligations | Supported | Unable to implement - member retired from RCMP |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That an appropriate member of the RCMP should apologize to the complainant for the arrest that was conducted unreasonably. | Supported | Completed on 2022-09-08 |
That three subject members should be directed to read this report with their supervisor. | Supported | Completed on 2022-09-08 |
That two of the three subject members should receive operational guidance on section 10(b) of the Charter, including their duty to hold off on questioning or eliciting a statement from an arrested person, until the person has had a reasonable opportunity to consult counsel. | Supported | Completed on 2022-09-08 |
That the public complaints investigators and the author of the RCMP's Letter of Disposition, receive a copy of the Final Report in this matter for their review. | Supported | Completed on 2022-09-08 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the RCMP should assign a new investigator to thoroughly investigate the complainant's sexual assault complaint while considering the complainant's expressed desire to have the matter investigated by a member from outside the Detachment. | Supported | Completed on 2022-08-11 |
That three subject members should receive additional training in sexual assault law and investigations. This should include training on dealing with complainants in a professional and sensitive manner. | Supported | Completed on 2023-04-18 |
That an appropriate member of the RCMP should apologize to the complainant for failing to investigate their complaint properly. | Supported | Completed on 2023-04-18 |
That two subject members should receive operational guidance on the restorative justice process and when it would be a viable alternative to pursuing a charge through the criminal justice system. | Supported | Completed on 2022-08-11 |
That the complainant's complaint should be investigated properly and they should be provided with the option of proceeding through the restorative justice process, should the investigation determine that there is sufficient evidence to pursue a criminal charge. | Supported | Completed on 2022-08-11 |
That one subject member should apologize to the complainant for the comment. | Supported | Completed on 2023-04-18 |
That the same subject member should receive training on dealing with complainants, particularly complainants of sexual assault, in a professional and sensitive manner. | Supported | Completed on 2023-04-18 |
That one subject member should receive training on dealing with complainants, particularly complainants of sexual assault, in a professional and sensitive manner. | Supported | Completed on 2023-04-18 |
That the supervisors of the involved officers review with them, their obligations to thoroughly document sexual assault investigations. | Supported | Completed on 2023-04-18 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That public complaint investigator should receive remedial guidance concerning the public complaint process. | Supported | Completed on 2022-06-30 |
That the subject member should be directed to read this report. | Supported | Completed on 2022-06-30 |
That the public complaint investigator should receive clear written direction from a member of a superior rank concerning the handling of future complaints involving inmates. | Supported | Completed on 2022-06-30 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the RCMP should apologize to the complainant for not providing an opportunity to shower during their time spent in cells. | Supported | In progress: K Division (Alberta) to implement |
That the RCMP should amend its policies on prisoners to provide showers each day commencing with the second day of consecutive custody and to mandate the offer of appropriate toiletries. | Supported in part | Completed on 2024-05-27 |
That the RCMP should acknowledge breaching the complainant's privacy and apologize. | Supported | Completed on 2024-05-27 |
That the Detachment Commander should ensure that RCMP detachment members review the policy amendments respecting privacy screens and video monitoring. | Supported | In progress: K Division (Alberta) to implement |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the Commanding Officer of F Division* should issue a personal apology to the complainant's family for the misconduct identified in this matter. | Supported | Completed on 2022-10-13 |
The RCMP Commissioner should consider whether Code of Conduct proceedings are appropriate in the circumstances. | Supported | Previously implemented as of 2022-05-25 |
That a senior member of the RCMP should provide operational guidance to two subject members regarding lost/overdue person investigations. | Supported | Completed on 2022-10-13 |
That RCMP management should determine whether the two subject members need additional guidance, supervision, or training and then provide it to them, to ensure that they are prepared to conduct lost/overdue person investigations in the future. | Supported | Completed on 2022-10-13 |
That a senior member of the RCMP should provide operational guidance to one subject member regarding the requirement to provide adequate supervision to the RCMP members that they oversee. | Supported | Completed on 2022-10-13 |
That both subject members should be directed to read this report. | Supported | Completed on 2022-10-13 |
That a senior member of the RCMP should provide operational guidance to three subject members regarding the duty to generate accurate and timely notes and occurrence reports. | Supported | Completed on 2022-10-13 |
That a senior member of the RCMP should provide operational guidance to the two subject members regarding the requirement to provide adequate supervision to the members they oversee, including by ensuring that those members take accurate and timely notes and complete all other required documentation in a reasonable manner | Supported | Completed on 2022-10-13 |
A senior member of the RCMP should provide operational guidance to the public complaint investigator regarding lost/overdue and missing person investigations, as well as public complaint investigations. | Supported | Completed on 2022-10-13 |
That one subject member be directed to review the CRCC's interim report and the Commissioner's Response | Additional Commitment from the RCMP | Completed on 2022-10-13 |
That the Commanding Officer of F Division initiate an administrative review into the incident led by a Commissioned Officer with a view to ensure performance and process gaps have been addressed and documented. While NPCD's and F Division's review upon receipt of the CRCC's interim report. resulted in the determination that the threshold was not met for a Code of Conduct to be initiated, it does warrant a formal further review given the issues identified around note taking or lack there of, policy compliance, supervision/risk management or a lack of documentation around what was addressed as performance and how. | Additional Commitment from the RCMP | Completed on 2022-10-13 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge of the Detachment should be directed to read the Commission's report and to review the current practices to ensure that proper resourcing is in place to see to it that prisoners are not detained any longer than is necessary. | Supported | Completed on 2022-07-21 |
That the RCMP should apologize to the complainant for the lengthy duration of their incarceration. | Supported | Completed on 2022-07-21 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the RCMP should provide the subject member with operational guidance on the importance of informing apprehended persons of their Charter right to contact legal counsel. | Supported | Completed on 2022-09-28 |
I will direct that the Commissioner's Delegate and the public complaint investigator review the Commission's report along with my response to enhance their awareness of the requirement to inform persons apprehended under the Mental Health Act of their Charter rights. | Additional Commitment from the RCMP | Completed on 2022-09-28 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That one subject member should receive operational guidance regarding the requirement to take detailed and accurate notes, as well as regarding the documentation and reporting requirements for judicially authorized search warrants. | Supported | Completed on 2022-08-08 |
That an appropriate member of the RCMP should extend an apology to the complainant for the unreasonable accounting of their personal property. | Supported | Completed on 2022-08-11 |
That another subject member should also receive operational guidance regarding the documentation and reporting requirements for judicially authorized search warrants as they have clear responsibility in this area as per our Operational Policy. | Supported | Completed on 2022-08-08 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That one subject member should receive operational guidance concerning the importance of ensuring that arrested persons who may have alcohol poisoning or be ill or injured receive medical clearance before they are lodged in a cell. | Supported | Completed on 2022-09-12 |
That reiterating an earlier recommendation, the RCMP should develop a clear policy that requires RCMP members to justify any decision to remove clothing from prisoners, rather than leaving the matter up to a vague and arbitrary practice about layers of clothing. | Supported | Completed on 2022-09-12 |
That six subject members should receive written guidance, mentoring, or training, concerning the law and RCMP policy about strip searches. | Supported | Completed on 2022-09-12 |
That six subject members should receive written guidance, mentoring, or training about the IM/IM and use of force. | Supported | Completed on 2022-09-12 |
That one subject member should receive written guidance, mentoring, or training about strip searches, the IM/IM, and the use of force. | Supported | Completed on 2022-09-12 |
That an appropriate member of the RCMP should apologize to the complainant for the errors within the RCMP's report. | Supported | Completed on 2022-09-12 |
That the Commissioner's delegate and the public complaint investigator should receive written guidance, mentoring, or training about the law and RCMP policy pertaining to prisoner clothing, strip searches, and the use of force. | Supported | Completed on 2022-09-12 |
CRCC recommendation | Commissioner's response | Implementation status |
That the subject member should receive written guidance, mentoring, or training about the drafting of an Information to Obtain a Search Warrant, with particular emphasis on being more alert to and more forthright about including relevant context, and to reference all factual statements properly. | Supported | Completed on 2022-10-24 |
That two subject members should receive operational guidance about protecting animal welfare. | Supported | Completed on 2022-10-24 |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance concerning the grounds for a warrantless arrest. | Supported | Completed on 2022-10-24 |
That operational guidance be provided to the ITO's approving supervisor regarding their obligations to properly review search warrant applications as per OM ch. – Search Warrants. | Supported | Completed on 2022-10-24 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That two subject members should be directed to read this report. | Supported | Completed on 2023-05-03 |
That the two subject members should receive operational guidance concerning the care and handling of prisoners. | Supported | Completed on 2023-05-03 |
That the Officer in Charge of the Detachment should be directed to review current practices to ensure that proper resourcing and procedures are in place for the safe operation of the cell block. | Supported | Completed on 2023-05-03 |
That the supervisor, review the Commission's Final Report, which will include my Response in this matter, to remind them of the obligations under District Policy with respect to prisoner care. | Supported | Completed on 2023-05-03 |
That three subject members review the Commission's Final Report along with my Response, and have a discussion with their respective supervisors regarding their obligations to collect all required information and documentation for prisoners medically cleared for incarceration and that transfers of custody must include conveying the information and documentation required for the C-13 Prisoner Report and Prisoner Report Log Book, in accordance with Lower Mainland District Operational Manual chapter 19.2 (2.3 & 2.4). | Supported | Completed on 2023-05-03 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That two subject members should receive training on trauma-informed approaches to policing. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-07 |
That the two subject members should receive operational guidance, mentoring, or training on RCMP policy concerning mental health interventions. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-07 |
That the two subject members should review the findings of this report with their supervisor(s), and receive operational guidance or training regarding their responsibilities pursuant to sections 7 and 10(b) of the Charter. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-07 |
That an appropriate member of the RCMP should apologize to the complainant for the manner in which police handled this situation. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-07 |
The RCMP's E Division should consider creating and implementing a policy regarding police interaction with youth in care, with specific consideration of the requirement to notify or involve the Ministry of Children and Family Development. | Supported | Previously implemented as of 2022-07-26 |
That a copy of the CRCC report, Letter of Disposition and the Commissioner's Response be sent to the OIC of the Detachment. | Additional Commitment from the RCMP | Completed on 2023-02-07 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That four subject members should receive operational guidance about providing medical care to prisoners. | Supported | Completed on 2022-09-08 |
That the subject member receives operational guidance on avoiding actual, apparent, and potential conflicts of interest and to avoid acting as a public complaint investigator when he is also involved in the subject matter of the complaint. | Supported | Completed on 2022-09-08 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the two subject members receive operational guidance about the legal requirements for conducting arrests at a dwelling house. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-16 |
That the two subject members be directed to review the Commission's report and discuss it with their supervisor. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-16 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the two subject members should receive operational guidance on impaired driving investigations. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-07 |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance on writing RCMP public complaint reports, and be required to read the RCMP's National Public Complaints Guidebook. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-07 |
That the subject member be directed to review the Commission's interim report along with the Commissioner's Response. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-07 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the two subject members be provided with operational guidance on the matter. | Supported | Completed on 2022-10-28 |
That the two subject members should discuss this report with their supervisor to better understand the types of situations where questioning a child might be necessary. | Supported | Completed on 2022-10-28 |
That the author of the RCMP's report should be directed to read the Commission's report. | Supported | Completed on 2022-10-28 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the subject member receives further guidance on the particularities of sexual assault investigations, such as the law of sexual assault and consent. | Supported | Completed on 2023-04-04 |
That the subject member's current supervisor and line officer identify any shortcomings in her performance and gaps as it relates to her knowledge of issues related to sexual assault investigations and address them with an updated learning plan as part of her performance assessment. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-26 |
That the subject member should be closely supervised during all subsequent investigations of sexual assault for a reasonable period, as determined by the RCMP. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-26 |
That the subject member's current supervisor and line officer identify an experienced member to monitor her investigations once the training needs assessment following Recommendation 1 is completed. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-26 |
That the subject member should be prohibited from conducting further sexual assault investigations on her own until her supervisor confirms that her investigative abilities are sufficient to do so. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-26 |
That the subject member's current supervisor and line officer evaluate her proficiency to participate in sexual assault investigations | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-26 |
That the subject member be re-assessed following the same method identified in Recommendation 1 and that her learning plan be updated accordingly. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-26 |
That once the training and best practices have been developed (update to training and best practices guide assigned to C&IP in a separate memo), the subject member should receive such training. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-26 |
That the subject member should familiarize herself with the guide, particularly as it relates to the clearance of sexual assault files and the specific criteria required for each code. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-26 |
Following the Supreme Court's decision, the RCMP should take steps to provide training on when the actions of an individual can amount to the vitiation of consent through fraud. The RCMP should also develop their Sexual Assault Investigations Best Practices Guide to assist members in the investigation of such offences. | Supported | Completed on 2022-10-28 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That operational guidance be provided to the subject member on the importance of being thorough when providing information to the Coroner and in recording his notes. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-16 |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance on the requirement to conduct investigations as expeditiously as possible. This operational guidance should also focus on the benefit of developing a plan from the outset to ensure that the investigation is focused so that time is not wasted on unnecessary pursuits. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-16 |
That the subject member should receive additional operational guidance on the requirement to conduct a thorough investigation by interviewing all relevant witnesses and ensuring that he follows the RCMP's national policy by audio-recording all witness interviews for significant criminal investigations. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-16 |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance from a senior member within the RCMP on the requirement to supervise junior members and receive further leadership training as required, to ensure that she has the tools to provide proper supervision. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-16 |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance on the requirement to meet with victims and/or witnesses as necessary to gather evidence relevant to an investigation | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-16 |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance on the importance of refraining from providing personal opinion regarding the public interest for prosecuting an accused. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-16 |
That the RCMP should enhance its national policy on elder abuse to educate members of the RCMP on its prevalence in Canadian society and on those signs that are indicative of elder abuse. It should also direct members to consider the possibility of elder abuse when investigating matters involving the elderly. | Supported | In Progress: Contract & Indigenous Policing to implement |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the RCMP should consider drafting a national policy regarding wellness checks to ensure that they are conducted in a consistent and reasonable manner. Such policy should address assessing whether the RCMP is the correct resource to conduct a wellness check, whether a wellness check is actually required, and if so, how it should be conducted. | Supported | Completed on 2023-01-11 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the subject member should review and discuss this report with an RCMP use of force expert to identify better tactics to respond to similar situations in the future | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-16 |
That the subject member should be directed to complete an SB/OR report in relation to this incident, in accordance with RCMP policy. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-16 |
That the unit commander should consider whether additional measures need to be taken to ensure compliance within the unit with RCMP SB/OR reporting policy. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-16 |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance on obtaining medical attention for persons in custody. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-16 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the three subject members should receive training on trauma-informed approaches to policing. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-13 |
That the three subject members should receive operational guidance, mentoring, or training on RCMP policy concerning mental health interventions. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-13 |
That the three subject members should review the findings of this report with their supervisor(s), and receive operational guidance or training regarding their responsibilities pursuant to sections 7 and 10(b) of the Charter. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-13 |
That an appropriate member of the RCMP should apologize to the complainant for the manner in which police handled this situation. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-13 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the subject members should receive operational guidance on obtaining medical treatment for prisoners. | Supported | Completed on 2022-10-25 |
That the subject members read the Commission's Final Report in this matter to ensure their awareness of the concerns raised in support of Decision 1. I would note, however, that I am unable to impose remedial measures with respect to a subject member, as he is no longer with the RCMP. | Supported | Completed on 2022-10-25 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the RCMP should provide the subject member with operational guidance respecting the RCMP divisional policy on custody and access orders. | Supported | Completed on 2022-11-14 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the RCMP should provide the subject member with operational guidance about the RCMP's expectations that all employees be sensitive to the reality of microaggressions. | Supported | Completed on 2022-12-13 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That four subject members should receive operational guidance, mentoring or training concerning appropriate communication to ensure that they have the necessary situational awareness during an occurrence. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-01 |
That four subject members should receive operational guidance, mentoring or training concerning the appropriate police response to mental health emergencies, including understanding and articulating the grounds to apprehend, and concerning reasonable de-escalation techniques. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-01 |
The RCMP should engage with provincial and territorial partners to expand programs that pair RCMP members with trained mental health professionals or otherwise shift to a healthcare-oriented response to mental health crises. | Supported | Previously implemented as of 2022-11-15 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the RCMP should consider developing and implementing specific policy and training with regard to driving on road conditions that are often encountered in northern regions. | Supported | Completed on 2023-05-26 |
That the RCMP members involved in the search should receive operational guidance regarding the provision of a blanket or gown to prisoners. | Supported | Completed on 2023-03-22 |
That the detachment should be expanded to increase cell space up to ten cells. | Supported | Completed on 2023-03-22 |
That the subject members should receive operational guidance regarding the importance of decontaminating prisoners. | Supported | Completed on 2023-03-22 |
That the sinks and toilets in the detachment cells should be repaired and maintained in accordance with RCMP policy. | Supported | Completed on 2023-03-22 |
That the eye wash decontamination bottle in the detachment should be moved to an accessible location and be filled on a regular basis. | Supported | Completed on 2023-03-22 |
That the RCMP should fully implement the recommendations in the RCMP's Independent Officer Review Concluding Report related to the physical state of the Detachment. | Supported | Completed on 2023-03-22 |
That the RCMP should consider completely replacing the Detachment building. | Supported | Completed on 2023-03-22 |
That all of the RCMP subject members should receive operational guidance regarding the importance of cleaning cells in a timely fashion. | Supported | Completed on 2023-03-22 |
That the RCMP should ensure adequate staffing of all its detachments, including the subject Detachment. | Supported | Completed on 2023-03-22 |
That the RCMP should fully implement the recommendations in the RCMP's Independent Officer Review Concluding Report related to guard practices and training. | Supported | Completed on 2023-03-22 |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance concerning the adequate supervision and training that he is required to provide to detachment guards in accordance with RCMP policy. | Supported | Completed on 2023-03-22 |
That the subject members should receive operational guidance regarding the importance of clearly documenting and communicating information about a prisoner's necessary medical treatment. | Supported | Completed on 2023-03-22 |
That the RCMP should issue a bulletin emphasizing that potential head injuries to prisoners must be approached with the utmost seriousness, that RCMP members should err on the side of caution in seeking prompt healthcare assessments in such situations, and that RCMP members must be cognizant that intoxication may mask the symptoms of an underlying head injury. | Supported | Completed on 2023-05-29 |
That Training should be developed and implemented for employees responsible for handling claims. | Supported | Completed on 2023-03-22 |
That the RCMP should enter into immediate discussions with the Government and other partners to ensure that sufficient resourcing and funding is provided to the detachments so that an adequate level of service is provided at the Detachment and in any other detachments facing similar circumstances. | Supported | Completed on 2023-03-22 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
The RCMP should provide operational guidance to the subject member on the expectation that RCMP members hold themselves to the highest professional standards in their interactions with the public. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-10 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the RCMP should apologize the complainant for unlawfully arresting him inside his residence. | Supported | Completed on 2023-05-31 |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance on the requirements for arrest in a dwelling house. | Supported | Completed on 2023-05-31 |
That the subject member receives operational guidance on the requirements for arrests in a dwelling house, including the exception of hot pursuit. | Supported | Completed on 2023-05-31 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the RCMP should provide the subject members with operational guidance to remind them of the importance of completing an SB/OR report, in accordance with RCMP policy. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-10 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the three subject members should receive operational guidance on the appropriate use of firearms and on the importance of documenting their rationale for drawing firearms in their notes and reports. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-28 |
That the three subject members should be directed to complete a Subject Behaviour/Officer Response report in relation to this incident. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-28 |
That the three subject members should receive operational guidance with respect to the requirement to complete a Subject Behaviour/Officer Response report. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-28 |
That the two subject members should receive operational guidance on the importance of attempting de-escalation before deciding to use force. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-28 |
That the RCMP should issue a written apology to the complainant's stepson. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-28 |
That the subject member should be directed to review and discuss this report with an RCMP use of force expert to identify better tactics to respond to similar situations in the future. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-28 |
That the subject member review Operational Manual, chapter 17.8, "Subject Behaviour/Officer Response Reporting" to remind him of his obligation to ensure that those under his supervision complete Subject Behaviour Officer Response Reports when required. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-28 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the subject members receive operational directives regarding the wearing of prisoners' clothing. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-07 |
That an appropriate member of the RCMP should apologize to the complainant for the error made regarding the wearing of clothing. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-07 |
That the Commission reiterate a recommendation it made in a previous report, that the RCMP should develop a clear policy that requires RCMP members to justify any decision to remove prisoners' clothing, rather than put back to a vague and arbitrary practice on layers of clothing. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-01 |
That subject member should receive operational guidance on the importance of assessing the medication needs of inmates and properly documenting these needs in the Prisoner Report (Form C-13). | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-07 |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance on RCMP policy regarding the release of impaired persons. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-07 |
That subject members should receive operational directives regarding the wearing of prisoners' clothing. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-07 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the subject members who reviewed the draft RCMP report should receive written guidance, mentoring, or training regarding the law of investigative detentions. | Supported | Completed on 2023-11-23 |
That the subject members and unidentified member(s) of the K Division PRU who reviewed the draft RCMP report, and the subject member should receive written guidance, mentoring, or training regarding the offence of obstruction of a peace officer and the grounds to make a warrantless arrest. | Supported | Completed on 2023-11-23 |
That the Detachment to review its process with respect to the provision of monthly update letters to ensure compliance with section 45.63 of the RCMP Act. | Supported | Completed on 2023-11-23 |
That the subject member review RCMP policy to remind her of her note-taking obligations. | Supported | Completed on 2023-11-23 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance on avoiding police involvement in a civil matter and the elements of the offence of criminal harassment. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-02 |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance on the importance of avoiding a perception of bias when conducting his duties and on the importance of documenting it in his reports where he is in a conflict of interest and of documenting that he has informed his supervisor. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-02 |
That the RCMP should provide the subject members with operational guidance to remind them of the importance of completing an SB/OR report, in accordance with RCMP policy. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-02 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance on firearm licensing enforcement legislation and on the importance of documenting all investigative steps and decisions in his police notes and reports. | Supported | Completed on 2023-03-28 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance on his powers under the Alberta Trespass to Premises Act and the Criminal Code. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-22 |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance on firearm licensing enforcement legislation and on the importance of documenting all investigative steps and decisions in his police notes and reports. | Supported | Completed on 2023-02-22 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That an appropriate former supervisor of the subject member receives operational guidance on the law of detention and fresh pursuit and additionally direct them to read the Report. | Supported | Completed on 2023-07-26 |
That the RCMP should consider compensating the complainant for the damage caused to her door | Supported | Completed on 2023-07-26 |
That an appropriate member of the RCMP should apologize to the complainant and her son for the unreasonable detention, the use of force, and the attempt to maintain the front door open | Supported | Completed on 2023-07-26 |
That the subject member should be directed to read the Commission's report. | Supported | Completed on 2023-07-26 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That PSDTC incorporate into their training simulations where a member may be required to discharge a firearm or consider using force at an animal. | Supported | Completed on 2023-03-21 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance, mentoring, or training concerning sexual assault investigations, including by completing the "Using a Trauma Informed Approach" course and the "Introduction to Trauma and Sexual Assault Investigations" course. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-21 |
That Given the time lapse involved, Constable Daponte's current supervisor should be provided a copy of this interim report and directed to assess whether any further performance measures are required after considering Constable Daponte's current level of training and performance. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-21 |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance, mentoring, or training concerning the conduct of public complaint investigations. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-21 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That subject member should receive written guidance about bias and conflict of interest. | Supported | Completed on 2023-03-13 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the subject member should be required to read this report, and should receive operational guidance on the proper supervision of investigations. | Supported | Completed on 2023-03-16 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance, mentoring, or training on seeking medical attention for prisoners. | Supported | Completed on 2023-03-31 |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance on the need to take detailed contemporaneous notes. | Supported | Completed on 2023-03-31 |
That the subject member read the Commission's Final Report in this matter to raise his awareness about the concerns surrounding this incident and review Operational Manual, chapter 25.2., "Investigator's Notes" to remind him of his note-taking obligations. | Supported | Completed on 2023-03-31 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the subject members should receive operational guidance about the requirements for mental health apprehensions, including the obligation to bring the apprehended person to a physician or psychiatrist. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-05 |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance about the grounds for an arrest for breach of the peace. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-05 |
That the subject members should receive written guidance, mentoring, or training about de-escalation with persons who may be experiencing a mental health crisis | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-05 |
That the subject members should receive written guidance, mentoring, or training about an RCMP member's obligations to ensure that prisoners receive immediate medical assistance when required. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-05 |
That An appropriate member of the RCMP should apologize to the complainant for his unreasonable apprehension and arrests, the unreasonable use of force, and the failure to provide him with medical treatment. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-05 |
That an appropriate member of the RCMP apologize to the complainant for the failure to provide him with medical treatment. | Supported | Completed on 2023-06-05 |
CRCC Recommendation | Commissioner's Response | Implementation Status |
That the RCMP Detachment Commander should apologize to the complainant for the racial profiling they experienced. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-16 |
That the subject member should receive training specific to unconscious bias and racial profiling. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-16 |
That the subject member should be directed to review the Commission's report and to discuss it with their immediate supervisor, to ensure that they understand the issues identified. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-16 |
That an appropriate member of the RCMP should extend an apology to the complainant with regard to their unreasonable arrest, and the consequent unreasonable use of force and suspension of their driver's license. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-16 |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance regarding the legal grounds for arrest and the offence of obstructing a peace officer. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-16 |
That the subject member should receive operational guidance concerning the imperative and immediate nature of the right to counsel pursuant to section 10 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, including that it applies in the case of persons accused of operating a vehicle while impaired. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-16 |
That the Commissioner's delegate who signed the RCMP's report should be provided with a copy of this report as a reminder to follow RCMP policy as it relates to assigning a public complaint investigator. | Supported | Completed on 2023-08-16 |
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