RCMP warn Yukoners about email scam

January 8, 2025
Whitehorse, Yukon

News release

Whitehorse RCMP have recently received a report of a Yukoner receiving an extortion email claiming to be from the RCMP.

The RCMP states that the e-mail in question was titled as a legal document such as a subpoena would be, and the message accuses the reader of serious criminal charges and asks that they respond by email. The message may include the RCMP crest and use Government of Canada logos. This is a scam.

Law enforcement will never demand payment and will not threaten arrest by email. If in doubt, contact your local RCMP detachment directly. To see some examples of these types of fraudulent emails and to learn more: https://antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca/scams-fraudes/extortion-extorsion-eng.htm

The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre has a very informative website detailing the types of scams that are happening all over Canada, including the Yukon. If you suspect you've been targeted or victimized by a scam, please report it to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre. If you were a victim, please also contact your local police.


Contact information

RCMP Yukon Communications

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