On April 11, 2024, F Division had some very special visitors: D/Commr. Paul Pisanos and Supt. Chris Nicholson from the New South Wales (NSW) Police Force in Australia. Saskatchewan was the third RCMP Division the NSW Police Force officers visited, and they came with the intent of learning more about Indigenous policing and youth crime in the province.
Upon arrival, Saskatchewan RCMP's Supt. Murray Chamberlin and S/Sgt. Dean Bridle accompanied them on a day trip to La Ronge, SK. They attended a welcoming meeting at the Lac La Ronge Indian Band office and later received a tour of La Ronge's Woodland Wellness Centre. D/Commr. Pisanos and Supt. Nicholson took part in meaningful conversations with local Indigenous leaders and listened to them share their lived experiences from residential schools. S/Sgt. Brian Kelly and Sgt. Nathan Venne, two officers with Saskatchewan RCMP's Indigenous Police Service who also are Lac La Ronge Indian Band Members, shared how their two roles intersect and the importance of having a police force that reflects the community they serve. Retired RCMP officer Matt Mirasty spoke on his experience with the RCMP and his knowledge in his current leadership role in First Nation and Indigenous Policing with the provincial government. Collaboratively, community leaders and the F Division officers spoke to the importance of their relationship, Saskatchewan RCMP's commitment to reconciliation – and their mutual goal of maintaining safe communities.
F Division shared the ongoing efforts to increase Indigenous representation in F Division such as our Indigenous Recruiting Unit, all-Indigenous troops going through Depot, and supports in place to aid Indigenous applicants during the recruiting process.
On April 12, the NSW Police Force officers joined F Division Senior Managers and a Senior Crown Prosecutor for conversations related to Saskatchewan gangs and youth crime.
On April 13, Insp. Kirk Badger accompanied D/Commr. Pisanos and Supt. Nicholson to Fort Qu'Appelle where they attended a luncheon at the Treaty Four Governance Centre. They met with leadership from Pasqua First Nation, File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council, and many other Councillors and Elders. The group discussed youth crime, restorative justice, and the addictions and challenges their local communities face.
"This visit allowed Saskatchewan RCMP and New South Wales Police Force an excellent opportunity to compare experiences," Supt. Chamberlin says. "Despite being from opposite sides of the world, the challenges faced by our police forces are very similar. I was proud to show them around our beautiful province and provide them an opportunity to gain insight on Indigenous policing from Indigenous leadership."