Checkpoints and breath testing aim to deter impaired driving this New Year’s Eve

December 30, 2024
RCMP Headquarters, Prince Edward Island

News release

December 30th, 2024, RCMP Headquarters- PEI RCMP are employing checkpoints and roadside screening devices to detect and deter impaired drivers this New Year's Eve.

Impaired driving is one of the leading factors connected to fatal crashes in PEI. PEI RCMP will be using a variety of techniques to address impaired driving this New Year's Eve including:

  • Checkpoints in communities across the Island
  • Increased Traffic Enforcement
  • Increased Police Presence
  • Roadside screening for drivers

In the last two years PEI RCMP roadside screening results lead to 261 drivers being stopped, these drivers faced roadside suspensions, vehicle seizures and criminal code charges. PEI RCMP also stopped many other impaired drivers using techniques outside the roadside screening device. "PEI RCMP will have an increased presence on island roads for News Year's Eve, with the goal of detecting and deterring impaired drivers. We urge motorists to take road safety seriously by planning for a sober ride, and to report impaired drivers by calling 911" says PEI RCMP acting media relations officer Cst. Kevin MacKay.


Contact information

Acting Media Relations Officer Cst. Kevin MacKay

Prince Edward Island RCMP

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