‘Tis the season of parcel deliveries – Saskatchewan RCMP reminds residents to keep them safe

December 14, 2023
Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan

News release


RCMP Crest

During the month of December, online shopping increases, and so do the number of parcels that are left unattended on residents' doorsteps. This creates easy opportunity for thieves.

Saskatchewan RCMP urges the public to keep safety top-of-mind and to follow these tips to prevent deliveries from being stolen by thieves:

  • Schedule deliveries during a timeframe you know you will be at home;
  • Consider having your packages delivered to your workplace, a relative's home, or a trusted neighbour's address;
  • Redirect your package to a nearby pick-up location;
  • Request a signature for delivery or for the package to be placed out of sight; and
  • Consider installing exterior security cameras to monitor your doorstep remotely and capture any suspicious activity.

Always report suspicious persons or activity to your local police of jurisdiction. When all crimes are reported to the police, police officers get a clearer picture of the types and numbers of crimes occurring in their area. This information helps them launch future police projects, initiatives and education campaigns within the area and the division.

A reminder that you can report thefts to Saskatchewan RCMP through Online Crime Reporting, available at http://report.rcmp.ca. You can use this always-available, simple option if:

  • There are no witnesses or suspects;
  • Item(s) lost or stolen are worth less than $5,000; and
  • There are no items involving personal identity, firearms, license plates or decals.

Reports made via Online Crime Reporting are investigated the same as if they were reported any other way.


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