RCMP issue 256 tickets during traffic enforcement operation

May 31, 2023
Greater Moncton Area, New Brunswick

News release


Vehicle being towed

A recent RCMP traffic enforcement operation in the Greater Moncton area has resulted in 22 vehicles being towed and 256 traffic violations being issued.

On May 24 and 25, 2023, members of the New Brunswick RCMP's Tactical Traffic Enforcement Unit (TTEU), Codiac Regional RCMP and Highway Safety Enforcement Branch of the Department of Justice and Public Safety, worked together to conduct multiple traffic enforcement operations in both urban and rural areas in Greater Moncton.

In total, 22 vehicles were towed, several of which had fictitious inspection stickers on their windshield. 256 tickets were issued under the New Brunswick Motor Vehicle Act, including 50 tickets for using a hand-held electronic device while driving, and 32 tickets for not wearing a seatbelt. Five people were charged with driving while suspended and one person was arrested for driving while impaired.

"The focus of the RCMP Tactical Traffic Enforcement Unit is on behaviours that are the greatest risk to the public, whether it be driving behaviours or criminal activity" says unit Corporal Ghislain David, "We all have a role to play when it comes to making our roads and communities safer, and our top priority continues to be keeping the public safe by limiting the number of dangerous drivers on our roadways."

The public can assist in keeping dangerous drivers off the road by reporting them to police. If you see a dangerous or a suspected impaired driver, call 911. Your description of the driver, vehicle, licence plate number and direction of travel can assist police in making New Brunswick roads safer.


Contact information

Cpl. Ghislain David
Tactical Traffic Enforcement Unit
New Brunswick RCMP

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