The doors to the new Gimli RCMP Detachment are officially opened. At a ceremony in front of the detachment on June 15, 2023, the ribbon was cut and the public welcomed for a tour of the new facility that will serve Gimli, Arborg, and surrounding communities.
"For 150 years, our officers have been providing essential policing services to ensure communities across this area could continue to grow and prosper," said Assistant Commissioner Rob Hill, Commanding Officer of the Manitoba RCMP. "This new detachment is a symbol of the long-standing partnership that has been built between the RCMP and the communities we police."
As policing continues to modernize, it was becoming very apparent that the previous Gimli and Arborg RCMP Detachments, built in 1962 and 1966 respectively, were having trouble keeping up with the demands. The summer population of Gimli can reach close to 20,000 people and Arborg has approximately 1200 people and is a hub for the local farming communities. These communities required a new detachment.
At a cost of $7.9 million, funded by the provincial and federal governments, the 750 square metre building was modelled after an Icelandic longhouse, and the exterior was finished with local Tyndall stone. Community focus groups were held with elders from the First Nation, Metis, and Icelandic communities.
The Gimli Detachment follows green principles. It is heated and cooled with in-ground geothermal and is electrical vehicle ready.
"This building was constructed specific to our needs in this area," said Staff Sergeant Rob Gray, Gimli RCMP Detachment Commander. "For example, the garage was built oversized to allow for the maintenance of our large patrol boats we use on Lake Winnipeg. This building is designed to best serve the communities we police."
"Our government and Manitobans are grateful for the dedicated service the men and women of the RCMP provide to Manitobans," said Justice Minister Kelvin Goertzen. "The new Gimli detachment offers modern support and facilities to the RCMP officers who are working every day to keep our communities safe."
Gimli Detachment polices approximately 8000 square kilometres and is part of the East District of the Manitoba RCMP.