On being an icon – a Manitoban in the RCMP Musical Ride

July 27, 2023
Winnipeg, Manitoba

News release


Constable Hansen and Gendarme the horse

"I saw the RCMP Musical Ride as a child," said Cst. Katherine Hansen. "I always knew I'd eventually get there, and here I am."

From The Pas, Manitoba, where Cst. Hansen was born and grew up, to the barns and arenas around the country, where she rides her horse Gendarme while wearing Red Serge, the little girl from small-town Manitoba has reached her dream.

However, Cst. Hansen has no illusions of grandeur. "It might look grand and we might be world-famous, but I am still back there mucking out stalls, grooming my horse, and taking care of my tack and equipment. There is nothing more humbling than leaving a cheering crowd to head to the back to shovel some … well, you get the idea," she laughs.

"I love my job," she adds, all joking aside. "It is the best job in the RCMP, in my opinion."

Working with the horses really helps teach the riders how to listen, which pays off well once they leave the Musical Ride and head back to front-line policing. "Horses can't say anything," says Cst. Hansen. "You become their voice. They will tell you; you just have to listen."

The same could be said for being on the streets. Listening is key. Hearing what is not being said is critical to being able to properly respond to tense situations. For Hansen, being on the Musical Ride is a great opportunity to step away from some of the hardships of front-line policing and have only positive interactions with the public, and she is grateful for the opportunity.

Cst. Hansen also recognizes that she is representative of something larger than herself. She represents the RCMP as a whole, to be sure, but as a female officer, she also represents to other women and little girls what possibilities there are in policing and with the RCMP.

"When I was a child and came to the ride with my family, there were no women riders," remembers Cst. Hansen. "Now, to see almost half of the riders are women shows that there are no barriers we can't overcome."

It means a lot to Cst. Hansen to be able to perform in the RCMP Musical Ride in her home province. "I have some family coming to see me, and I am really looking forward to that," she says.

She is also looking forward to what is arguably her favourite part of being on the Musical Ride – the meet and greet after the performance. "If people have a chance, they should come see us after the show," she says. "We love to meet everyone and interact. The horses enjoy it, too. We also have trading cards, which I know kids like to collect. We can even sign them for you!"

The RCMP Musical Ride is in Winnipeg at Assiniboia Downs July 28 and July 29. https://www.asdowns.com/events/rcmp-musical-ride-2/


Contact information

Tara Seel, Media Relations Officer
RCMP Media Relations

Twitter @rcmpmb | @GRCManitoba
http://www.facebook.com/rcmpmb | https://www.facebook.com/GRCManitoba

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