RCMP administer Naloxone to youth in distress

January 18, 2022
Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia

News release

A Lunenburg District RCMP officer successfully administered Naloxone to a 17-year-old youth who was suffering from a drug overdose in Lunenburg County.

On January 14, police and EHS responded to a complaint of a 17-year-old male youth who had just collapsed at a home in Lunenburg County. Upon police arrival, the male youth was unresponsive.

Suspecting an overdose, an RCMP officer administered Naloxone to the male youth and was able to revive him then transferred his care to paramedics on scene.

The RCMP would like to remind the public to call 911 immediately if you or someone else is exhibiting signs of overdose.

Common signs of an opioid overdose include:

  • Severe sleepiness or the person cannot be woken up
  • Breathing is slow or absent
  • Snoring or gurgling noises
  • Cold, clammy skin
  • Lips and fingers are blue or grey
  • Pupils are tiny

Naloxone is a temporary antidote for opioid overdoses that buys time to seek medical assistance, but it is not a substitute for medical treatment. If not taken to the hospital, an overdose victim can fall back into the overdose within 30 minutes. Naloxone kits are available free of charge through the Nova Scotia Take Home Naloxone Program. Information on the program and where to get a kit is available at http://www.nsnaloxone.com.

File #: 2022-55665


Contact information

Cpl. Chris Marshall
Public Information Officer
Nova Scotia RCMP
Cell: 902-222-0154

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