RCMP NL warns against sighting firearms within or near residential areas

August 30, 2021
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador

News release

With hunting season approaching in the fall of the year, RCMP NL warns individuals from sighting their firearms within the close proximity of a community.

Each year, the RCMP receives reports of shots being fired within or near various communities across the province heading into the hunting season from those who are "sighting in" or checking the accuracy of their firearms.

Regulations under the Provincial Wildlife Act prohibit a person from discharging a firearm within 1000 meters of a school, playground or athletic field or within 300 meters of a dwelling (residence). In addition, charges under the Criminal Code could apply should a firearm be discharged in a way that causes a public safety concern.

RCMP NL encourages hunters to be familiar with all applicable provincial and federal legislation. A number of designated firearms ranges exist throughout the province and can be used to properly and safely sight in a firearm.

Further information can be found in the following links:


Contact information

Corporal Jolene Garland
Media Relations Officer

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