Today, citizen-led groups Alberta Rural Crime Watch, Alberta Citizens on Patrol and Alberta Crime Stoppers joined the Alberta RCMP in marking the first anniversary of Project Lock Up. The initiative brings together Alberta Sheriffs, Alberta Commercial Vehicle Enforcement, Alberta Fish and Wildlife Enforcement, Alberta Peace Officers and Criminal Intelligence Services Alberta.
Project Lock Up, announced in February 2019, has created a framework enabling the RCMP and its enforcement and citizen-led partners to provide an enhanced response to repeat victims of property crime. This collaborative, intelligence-led initiative also aims to reduce property crime and build trust between citizens and law enforcement.
RCMP Crime Reduction Analysts review data from calls to police to identify the areas where break and enters occur most often. Law enforcement and citizen-led stakeholder groups then use gathered intelligence to guide patrols and enhance oversight in the areas hit hardest by break and enters.
As part of Project Lock Up, RCMP Community Engagement and Outreach Specialists meet with Alberta families and businesses who have been hit the hardest by property crime. RCMP employees listen to victims' stories and work with them to ensure they are not targeted again by applying Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles.
Throughout this week, the Alberta RCMP will provide an overview of various topics through social media – on Facebook @RCMPinAlberta and Twitter @RCMPAlberta as outlined below.
Monday, Feb. 10: Project Lock Up first anniversary media event
Tuesday, Feb. 11: CPTED
Wednesday, Feb. 12: Importance of reporting
Thursday, Feb. 13: Marking your property
Friday, Feb. 14: Partnerships and the Project Lock Up map
"I want Albertans to know that we are listening to their concerns – Project Lock Up has improved the way that we respond to victims, turning our focus to those repeatedly victimized by crime. With the help of our enforcement partners and citizen-led crime prevention groups, Project Lock Up has enabled us to better identify Albertans who need our support and provide them with real and concrete ways of making them safer in their homes and businesses."
- Deputy Commissioner Curtis Zablocki, Commanding Officer, Alberta RCMP
"Our government is committed to keeping our communities safe and secure, and that requires solid partnerships between government, law enforcement and everyday Albertans who look out for their neighbours. Project Lock Up enhances cooperation between the RCMP and provincial peace officers in the Alberta Sheriffs, Commercial Vehicle Enforcement and Fish and Wildlife Enforcement and increases their reach in rural Alberta by improving the flow of intelligence between those organizations. Our government is proud to partner with the RCMP on initiatives like Project Lock Up that help protect Albertans, their families and their property."
- Doug Schweitzer, Alberta Minister of Justice and Solicitor General
Quick Facts
- Project Lock Up is a key initiative of our Crime Reduction Strategy which launched in 2017.
- Project Lock Up is an evidence-based approach based on a successful UK model which saw a 30% decrease in residential break and enters.
- Thanks to Project Lock Up, 24 properties that had been categorized as hardest hit by crime have not been targeted by criminals again.
- From 2017 to 2019, the number of break and enters has decreased by 4.3% in Alberta RCMP rural jurisdictions.
- As part of Project Lock Up, RCMP Community Outreach and Engagement Specialists visited 35 property owners in person and provided tips on protecting their property.
- Call Back Unit (CBU) employees contacted 121 property owners. The CBU consists of a specialized team designed to handle non-emergency calls for service to create efficiencies and better align its processes.
- Alberta RCMP has provided patrol briefings and Crime Map access to Rural Crime Watch and Citizens on Patrol to help be the eyes and ears of police in crime-heavy areas.
- For more information about Project Lock Up, please watch this YouTube video.