The Connaught Cup Competition returns to the RCMP Academy

June 13, 2024
Regina, Saskatchewan

News release


An RCMP police officer smiles as he holds up a large trophy.

The Connaught Cup competition took place at the Integrated Training Facility at Depot Division, Regina, Saskatchewan on June 12, 2024. After an intense competition and impressive marksmanship, we are thrilled to announce that Corporal Pascal Boudreau from H Division (Nova Scotia) has been declared the winner.

Ten participants from across the country took part in this year's competition, representing the Yukon, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia.

The competition requires participants to fire a single RCMP Pistol Course of Fire using their force-issue duty pistol. Currently, this is the Marksmanship Course of Fire with a score out of 250. The individual recording the highest score is declared the winner, has their name inscribed on the Connaught Cup and is named "The Best Pistol Shot in the RCMP" for the year. Cpl. Boudreau scored a perfect score of 250 in the competition with 29 bullseyes. History was also made, as this was the first time that a participant from H Division earned this title.

The Connaught Cup is one of the oldest shooting competitions in Canada and is a link to the RCMP's rich heritage and Esprit de Corps. The Connaught Cup is Canada's second oldest trophy after the CFL's Grey Cup.


"It is an honour to once again host the Connaught Cup Competition at the RCMP Academy. This annual competition has been on hold since 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We have missed this opportunity to connect with members from across the country. There is always a sense of pride and comradery by the participants and planners of this prestigious and historic competition. We would like to congratulate Cpl. Boudreau on his outstanding performance and commend all participants."

- Chief Superintendent Mike Lokken, Commanding Officer of Depot Division

"Thank you to the organizers for bringing back the Connaught Cup Competition for 2024. The names on the trophy are a history in themselves and reflect the changes to the RCMP Pistol Program throughout the organization's 150 years of existence."

- Robin Gomes, S/Sgt Retired, Six-time winner of the Connaught Cup


Contact information

RCMP Depot Division Media Relations


His Royal Highness (HRH) Prince Arthur William Patrick Albert, 1st Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, was the first member of the Royal Family to become the Governor General of Canada. HRH Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught donated the Connaught Cup to the Royal North West Mounted Police in 1912. The Connaught Cup was then commissioned to encourage competitive firearms marksmanship for recruits. Over time this was reconstituted to encourage regular members to engage in shooting. The Connaught Cup is Canada's second oldest trophy after the CFL's Grey Cup.

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