Update RCMP core values statement

The RCMP renewed its core values (Act with Integrity, Show Respect, Take Responsibility, Demonstrate Compassion, and Serve with Excellence) after an internal and external stakeholder engagement process, to ensure our values are inclusive, well-understood, and continue to reflect a modern Canada. A new statement of values was developed to provide guidance on how RCMP employees are expected to live out the core values in the workplace and in communities.

Why it matters

Having clear, well-understood core values that resonate with employees, as well as with the communities served by the RCMP, will help set a foundation for respectful and healthy workplace behaviours. The development and adoption of an organizational values statement, including expectations of how employees should behave, is important in reinforcing this.

The renewal of the core values was driven by societal and organizational changes. This initiative will create a renewed set of core values that are reflective of the diverse communities the RCMP serves, and that embody the organization's commitment to building greater trust and accountability with all Canadians.

Aug 2023


On May 25, 2023, the renewed RCMP core values were signed by Commissioner Mike Duheme at his change of command ceremony. All employees are expected to live and model the values in their work. Compliance and reminders will be part of the performance evaluation process. The Cadet Training Program will also reflect the new values throughout the curriculum. Work is ongoing to ensure the values are added into policies and procedures across the organization.

Materials are being developed, published and shared to support full adoption and modeling of the renewed core values by all employees.

Orientation sessions are being held with units across the country.

In May 2023, RCMP executives were presented with a governance strategy which includes performance metrics. The strategy will provide oversight of the ongoing implementation, ensuring the renewed core values are integrated into the RCMP's ongoing modernization efforts.

May 2022


The RCMP's renewed core values and organizational values statement were released to employees in June 2022, along with a public announcement.

An environmental scan is underway to ensure all areas where the core values are already being referenced and used across the organization are identified for update, and to identify new opportunities for their further integration. A working group has been established to support implementation of the new core values, comprised of representatives from Divisions and national policy programs, and employee focus groups are also being put in place. Consultation is ongoing to gain their perspectives and ideas on how the renewed core values can be successfully integrated and internalized.

A communications strategy is being developed to provide information to employees, as well as an action plan and implementation strategy. The renewed core values and the organizational values statement will be introduced in a phased approach with the goal of having organization-wide implementation by the RCMP's 150th anniversary on May 23, 2023.

Jan 2022


From May to July 2021, 30 stakeholder engagement sessions were held, which covered issues such as: current values and how they are experienced in the community or the workplace; how to ensure core values are inclusive, well understood, and reflect a diverse Canada; and, the development of an organizational values statement.

Engagement included diverse employee resource groups in all RCMP divisions, as well as with bargaining agents and the RCMP Management Advisory Board. Engagement activities included representation from: women; Indigenous Peoples; racialized people; persons with disabilities; LGBTQ2 people; gender and harassment advisory committees; and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committees.

Sessions were held with Indigenous Elders, the Contract Management Committee, the RCMP's Youth Advisory Council, the Commissioner's Diversity Advisory Committee, and the Commissioner's Indigenous Advisory Committee to solicit feedback and guidance. Non-profit advocacy organizations for the disability community and the LGBTQ2 community were also consulted. Overall, the feedback was positive.

The findings informed a draft report, which included recommendations for the renewed core values as well as a proposed organizational values statement. Additional consultation was conducted with the Management Advisory Board on November 30th, 2021.

Senior leadership conditionally approved the recommendations on December 15, 2021. The Core Values Team will be returning to senior management in early 2022 to propose an implementation strategy.

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