Description: Tablets with a variety of logos and colours
Street Names: E, XTC, X, Pill, Peanut, Ecstasy, Dove, Love Drug
Methods of Use: Ingested
Category: Stimulant (Substance that activates the psychic functions by increasing wakefulness and general brain activity. By accelerating the thinking process, it makes the user more alert and energetic.)
Perception-distorting (Substance that alters sensory perception. It causes changes in user’s mood, thoughts and consciousness)
Most Commonly Cited Effects: Euphoria, increased alertness, heightening of emotions and sensory perceptions, loss of inhibitions
Detection Method: Muscle tension, involuntary teeth chattering, rapid blinking of eyes, dilated pupils, hyperthermia, dehydration, confusion, anxiety
Law and Offences: Controlled Drug and Substances Act