Thank a Police Officer Day – A story from across the pond

September 17, 2021
Ottawa, Ontario


Thank a Police Officer Day is day for recognizing and appreciating law enforcement. It is celebrated on the third Saturday in September.

On this occasion, I would like to share a letter I received from an individual living in the UK.

Although this story speaks specifically about the actions of our front line uniformed members, there is a lesson we can all take away.

Sometimes it is the smallest of actions that have the longest lasting and most profound impact on others. It is so important to understand that what may not matter or seem trivial to us, may be of extreme importance to someone else. When in doubt, you can never go wrong with being kind.

We are a great organization made of up of great people. We may not always receive accolades, but when we do, it brings a smile to my face, just as this story did, and I hope it brings one to yours as well.

Thanks for all you do each and every day to make our RCMP better than what it was the day before!

Brenda Lucki

Dear RCMP,

I am prompted to write to you on the passing of my mother, aged 93 over the weekend. She had a enduring love of the RCMP, ever since reading the book, Susannah of the Mounties, which she read to me when I was a little boy. She always said she wanted to meet one, and after seeing them on the television, she decided she would at some time, journey to Canada to fulfil her wish.

Little did she know that her sister in law also had the same fascination towards the RCMP. So when my mum retired from working as a nurse for 45 years, she and her sister-in-law, set their hearts on a trip to Canada, in fact they ended up going twice, firstly on the Rocky mountaineer train, then in 1998 to the Calgary Stampede.

While in Calgary, on a day at leisure before attending the Stampede on July 5th, they happened upon the local Mountie post. The officers on duty were going about their normal duties, when my mother approached one of them and asked if they could have a photo taken with them. The officer chatted to them for a while, asking where they were from, and when she said they were from England, the officer called over the rest of the officers over for a photo, which they got, then they asked my mother and her sister-in-law to wait a moment.

They then went into the station, and came out minutes later, all of them in full dress uniform, to my mother's absolute delight. She treasured that photo, and told everyone she met about her encounter with the "Mounties". She always said it was one of the best days of her life. Tears are welling up in my eyes as I type this, thinking of the great pleasure your officers gave that day to two ladies, little knowing the effect it would have on the rest of their lives.

I just wanted to let you know of the high regard she held your officers in, for doing a little thing that meant a whole lot more.

Thank you for your service and goodwill to visitors.


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