RCMP announces deployment of eight Canadian police to the Democratic Republic of the Congo

April 14, 2021
Ottawa, Ontario


The RCMP congratulates and expresses its support to the eight additional Canadian police officers deployed to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They will be supporting the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) by offering a variety of policing expertise.

They join the five Canadian police officers already deployed to this UN mission since January as part of a Specialized Police Team focused on countering sexual and gender-based violence among vulnerable populations. This new deployment brings the Canadian police participation in MONUSCO to 13 police officers, with another two police officers expected to deploy within the coming weeks.

These police officers come from a variety of police partner agencies, such as the Montreal Police Service and Quebec City Police Service, as well as the RCMP. They will be deployed to MONUSCO for a year, where they will participate in a variety of activities with the Congolese National Police. They will participate in joint patrols and operations, aid in training and outreach, and help combat serious and organized crime, among other tasks.

The Canadian Police Arrangement is a partnership between the RCMP, Public Safety Canada and Global Affairs Canada. The program is responsible for deploying Canadian police officers from a variety of police agencies in Canada to support international peacekeeping and peace operations missions.

These additional Canadian police officers bring a collective wealth of police expertise, leadership, and professionalism. For example, Commander Minh-Tri Truong, from the Montreal Police Service, will lead the Canadian police officers as the contingent commander. This is his second peace operation, his first being with the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti in 2011.

I want to wish these Canadian police officers good luck on their deployment. The experience and learning opportunities they will gain are tremendously valuable and unique. As a former peacekeeper, I know how important this work is in building a more secure world. Thank you to all of our Canadian police officers currently serving around the world. I also wish to thank the family, friends and loved ones of those deployed, whose support is crucial to the success of Canada's peacekeeping program.

Michael Duheme
Deputy Commissioner, Federal Policing


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