RCMP signs historic agreement with Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada to reduce violence against Inuit women, children and gender-diverse persons

January 27, 2021
Ottawa, Ontario

News release

Today, RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki and Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada President Rebecca Kudloo signed an agreement to formalize the two organizations' working relationship, and improve the protection and safety of Inuit women, children and gender-diverse persons.

The Pinasuqatigiinniq Agreement commits each organization to working together towards implementing recommendations from Pauktuutit's 2020 report, Addressing Gendered Violence against Inuit Women: A review of police policies and practices in Inuit Nunangat.

Pauktuutit's report includes policing-focused recommendations on a variety of topics ranging from culturally aware and trauma-informed police services to gender-based training and policies, as well as stronger dispatch responsiveness, longer postings of RCMP members in communities, and diversity within the workforce, including creating key positions for Inuit.

As the first step in this historic agreement, the RCMP and Pauktuutit are implementing a work plan that includes reviewing the RCMP's cultural competency training, establishing a family violence coordinator in Nunavut (RCMP V Division), and consulting with Inuit women on the RCMP's Body-Worn Cameras pilot project in Iqaluit.

Pauktuutit and the RCMP are committed to sharing information and working together on emerging issues. Regular meetings will occur between the two organizations' national leadership, as well as with RCMP Commanding Officers in the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Newfoundland and Labrador.

Gendered-violence disproportionately victimizes Indigenous women across Canada, and Inuit women and children in particular. Women in Nunavut, for example, are the victims of violent crime at a rate 13 times higher than for women in Canada as a whole.

Pinasuqatigiinniq is the Inuit term for 'working together collaboratively.' It is an appropriate title for this unique agreement, which is part of the RCMP's ongoing work towards building trusting relationships and delivering responsive, culturally aware and trauma-informed policing services for Indigenous communities across Canada.

I look forward to continuing the RCMP's work with President Kudloo and Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada on projects and programs aiming to reduce violence against women, children and gender-diverse persons across Inuit Nunangat. As we move forward, it is important that the RCMP acknowledges and learns from the past, evaluates our current actions, and collaborates with Indigenous communities, peoples and employees for the future. The RCMP remains committed to continuously improving its workforce and striving towards providing the highest quality of policing services to Indigenous communities.

Brenda Lucki, RCMP Commissioner

Today's agreement supports progress toward an urgently-needed cultural shift in RCMP policing practices in Inuit Nunangat. Systemic racism is a reality in Inuit women's encounters with the police. For example, women experiencing domestic violence often feel further victimized when they come into contact with police, after having the courage to report incidents of abuse. Pauktuutit looks forward to working with the RCMP to improve the safety and security of Inuit women, including when they have contact with RCMP officers assigned to serve and protect them.

Rebecca Kudloo, President, Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada

This partnership between Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada and the RCMP is a positive step forward on the national police force's journey of reconciliation with Inuit women, girls and gender-diverse persons. The Government of Canada is committed to working together with provincial and territorial governments, First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities to end the ongoing national tragedy of violence against Indigenous women, girls, Two-Spirit and LGBTQQIA people.

Minister Bill Blair, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada

This partnership is a positive step in our shared goal of reconciliation. The signing of this historic agreement between Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada and the RCMP to end systemic racism and reduce gender-based violence against Inuit women, children and gender-diverse people will advance safety and wellbeing in Inuit communities. It is just one of the milestones we have accomplished, and will accomplish together, in the years ahead. These partnerships are essential to our continued progress and success and I look forward to working with partners in seeing these goals realized.

Minister Dan Vandal, Northern Affairs Canada

Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada are doing essential work to keep Inuit women, girls and communities safe. This agreement is an important step forward for the RMCP and Pauktuutit to build on efforts to address the protection of Inuit women and girls and gender-diverse persons against gender-based violence. I want to thank Pauktuutit for their expertise and leadership, especially in developing the Inuit component of the National Action Plan to address Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Their work is key to producing tangible results for their communities.

Minister Carolyn Bennett, Crown-Indigenous Relations

Quick Facts

  • As part of the RCMP's Vision 150 modernization strategy and reconciliation efforts, the RCMP is entering into agreements with women's National Indigenous Organizations to develop collaborative, community-driven and culturally sensitive crime prevention, violence reduction and training initiatives.
  • Pauktuutit is the national non-profit organization representing all Inuit women in Canada. Its mandate is to foster a greater awareness of the needs of Inuit women, and to encourage their participation in community, regional and national concerns in relation to social, cultural and economic development.
  • RCMP reconciliation efforts aim to improve community safety and well-being, to enhance investigative standards, and to deliver the highest quality policing services. Efforts are also implemented within the organization to support the over 1,900 Indigenous employees of the RCMP and to inspire a culturally engaged, trauma-informed workforce.
  • Through funding provided by the Government of Canada's Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence, the RCMP developed two courses for RCMP employees on how to use a trauma-informed approach when conducting investigations, as well as helping employees better understand the impacts of culture and personal identity on actions, perceptions, interactions and experiences.


Contact information

RCMP Media Relations

Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada
Susan King: sking@pauktuutit.ca

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