Reports, research and publications
On this page
- General topics
- Corporate
- Crime prevention and safety
- Drugs/contraband tobacco
- Firearms
- Indigenous policing and reconciliation
- National Security Criminal Investigations Program
- Policing/peace operations
General topics
- Annual Report of the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness concerning section 83.3 of the Criminal Code
- Annual Reports on the Federal Witness Protection Program
- Annual Reports on the RCMP's Use of the Law Enforcement Justification Provisions
- Cybercrime: an overview of incidents and issues in Canada
- Cybercrime Strategy
- Gazette magazine
- Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution annual report 2021-2022
- Investigator's guide to National Forensic Laboratory Services
- Legislative Reform Initiative - Second Year Review
- National DNA Data Bank Advisory Committee Annual Reports
- National DNA Data Bank Annual Report
- National Police Services: Building a Sustainable Future
- Privacy Impact Assessments
- RCMP Annual Report on the Ministerial Direction on Avoiding Complicity in Mistreatment by Foreign Entities
- RCMP Federal Policing Annual Report 2021
- The way forward: The RCMP's sexual assault review and victim support action plan
- The way forward II – An update on the implementation of the RCMP's sexual assault review and victim support action plan
- Audit and Evaluation Reports
- Client and partner survey results
- Departmental Plan
- Departmental Results Report
- Final Report on the Implementation of the Merlo Davidson Settlement Agreement
- Gazette magazine
- Management of the RCMP Conduct Process: Annual Reports
- Moncton Shooting
- Parliament Hill
- RCMP Environmental Scan
- RCMP National Procurement Plan
- RCMP Pension Plan Annual Report
- Report on Allegations of Harassment and Sexual Misconduct at the RCMP's Canadian Police College Explosives Training Unit
- Vision150 and beyond: RCMP strategic plan
Crime prevention and safety
Drugs/contraband tobacco
Indigenous policing and reconciliation
- Aaqigiarutiqarniq between the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Inuit by Elaine Uppahuak-Prusky
- Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women: Update to the National Operational Overview (2015)
- Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women: A National Operational Overview (2014)
- Métis People, the RCMP, and Reconciliation: Navigating History, Connecting with Community, and Creating Ethical Spaces to Start Again by Merelda Fiddler-Potter
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police Path of Reconciliation: Strengthening Trust in the RCMP 2019-2020
- The RCMP: Cultural Transformation and Reconciliation by Dr. Olsen Harper (2019)
- The role of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police during the Indian Residential School system / by Marcel-Eugène LeBeuf (2011)
- Working Together to End Violence Against Indigenous Women and Girls National Scan of RCMP Initiatives (May 2017)
National Security Criminal Investigations Program
Policing/peace operations
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