PEI RCMP welcome Darcie Augustine – Indigenous pre-Cadet Training Program graduate

June 20, 2024
PEI RCMP Headquarters, Prince Edward Island

In your community


Left to Right - PIE RCMP Commanding Officer Chief Superintendent Kevin Lewis, Darcie Augustine, and Constable Amy Handrahan

Twenty-nine years ago, Darcie Augustine's uncle attend one of the first Indigenous pre-Cadet Training Programs offered by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Recently, another of her uncles completed 30 years service with the RCMP, and he's still serving today, so being a part of the Force is almost a family tradition. As far back as she can remember, being a police officer is all Darcie's ever wanted to do. Thanks to the recent intake of candidates to the RCMP Indigenous pre-Cadet Training Program, Darcie has taken the first steps to becoming a member of the Force.

Darcie is from Lennox Island First Nation, on Epekwitk (Prince Edward Island) and from May 8 to 28, 2024 she and a group of 29 of her peers attended RCMP Depot in Regina for three weeks. "It really opened my eyes," says Darcie. "Very quickly you learn you're not an individual, you are part of a troop and you have to do things together to succeed," she adds. Darcie says it was a very supportive environment, from her troopmates, to the instructors and mentors they had. "We had each other's backs, and the Depot staff, sure they challenged us hard, but they too were supportive," says Darcie. She recalls that everyone at Depot welcomed them and many people were interested in getting to know them, and following their progress.

The Indigenous pre-Cadet Training Program gives participants the chance to learn how to work as part of a policing team, the basics of the Criminal Code and RCMP policy, as well as skills to help prepare you to apply to be a police officer. For Darcie, two of the most enjoyable parts of the program were physical fitness and drill. "I got to admit, running was a challenge for me, but I got better," she says. "And I really enjoyed drill, how exact it is and when you do it right how good it looks," says Darcie. While at Depot, regular members are with the Indigenous cadets 24/7. "We were also assigned a big brother troop who helped us learn a lot – how to make our beds, prepare for inspections, and more," recalls Darcie. "We did have our rooms tossed once though because our inspections weren't quite right!"

Now that she's finished, Darcie is back home and is being mentored further by Constable Amy Handrahan, PEI RCMP's liaison officer with Lennox Island First Nation. She'll be with Constable Handrahan all summer. Darcie already has plans to sign up and return to Depot to do the full experience and graduate one day wearing the iconic red serge. "I would really like to have my first posting in the Yukon," Darcie says. "We learned about it in grade 6 and ever since, I've always wanted to see it!"

When asked if she would recommend others try out the program, Darcie is absolute in her answer – "I'd recommend it for sure. It's an amazing learning experience, I got to learn so much about other indigenous cultures and I've made some amazing friends," she says. Darcie will be the first to tell you it's hard work, but for her, it's just the first step in what promises to be an amazing career for this wonderful young woman.

The Indigenous pre-Cadet Training Program is open to Indigenous Peoples in Canada. To apply you must be:

  • of Indigenous descent (First Nation, Métis or Inuit)
  • aged 19 to 29
  • a Canadian citizen
  • a graduate of a Canadian secondary school (or equivalent)
  • able to pass an enhanced reliability security check

For more details visit Indigenous Pre-Cadet Training Program | Royal Canadian Mounted Police (

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