RCMP launches Race-Based Data Collection pilot project

January 9, 2024
Ottawa, Ontario

News release

Addressing systemic racism and discrimination is an organizational priority for the RCMP.

After two-years of extensive consultations in communities across Canada, the RCMP's Race-Based Data Collection Initiative will be piloted in select detachments across the country starting in January 2024.

The Race-Based Data Collection Initiative aims to collect, analyse and report race-based data to better understand the experiences of Indigenous, Black and other racialized individuals and communities in their interactions with RCMP frontline officers.

The collection of race-based data to understand police interactions (such as wellness checks, and arrests) and use of force will provide evidence-based information to help improve how the RCMP provides services to diverse communities. Specifically, this will:

  • Identify differences in policing outcomes for Indigenous, Black and other racialized communities;
  • Better understand the nature, extent and impact of systemic racial disparities in community safety;
  • Enable data-driven decision making and policy development;
  • Build trust with communities;
  • Improve community safety outcomes.

The Race-Based Data Collection pilot will begin in Whitehorse, Yukon (M Division); the Wood Buffalo (Fort McMurray), Alberta (K Division); and Thompson, Manitoba (D Division), with two additional pilot sites - one in British Columbia (E Division), and one in Nova Scotia (H Division), to follow later this year.

These sites were chosen based on a number of factors including public consultations held throughout 2022 and 2023. Piloting the Race-Based Data Collection Initiative will provide an opportunity for the RCMP to test processes and make improvements and adjustments before an anticipated future national rollout.


"This initiative is an important milestone in becoming a more modern and inclusive policing organization. The initiative isn't about singling out individuals. It's about helping us identify and improve our policies, practices, and training to better support our employees. The evidence-based solutions it provides can empower us to better serve communities."

Mike Duheme, RCMP Commissioner

Quick facts

  • In 2022, the RCMP received federal funding for various efforts to address systemic racism and discrimination within the organization, including the implementation of Race Based Data Collection.
  • The Race-Based Data Collection initiative is intended to help the RCMP better understand and address systemic racism and systemic racial biases arising from the organization's policies and practices.
  • In all interactions with the public, RCMP employees are guided by the RCMP's Bias-Free Policing Policy, which is based on the principles of non-discrimination and the equitable treatment of all people.
  • The collection, management and use of race-based data is consistent with RCMP's responsibilities under the Privacy Act and RCMP Act.
  • Data for this initiative will be collected for one year before it is analyzed and the findings are publicly reported. When reporting results from this initiative, data will be presented in summary form and properly de-identified so individuals cannot be identified.


Contact information

RCMP Media Relations

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