RCMP Name the Foal contest produces 12 names for our new foals

June 19, 2023
Ottawa, Ontario

News release


A black horse stands with her foal in a field.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is happy to announce the winners and winning names of the 2023 Name the Foal contest, with some entries paying particular attention to the organization's history as we mark our 150th anniversary.

Canadian kids – aged 14 years old and younger – once again participated in large numbers, as did classrooms across Canada. We received over 3,100 total entries, with more than 200 from schools. We also selected an entry from submissions received at the Musical Ride's Open House held last February.

This year, the winning names will be given to 12 new foals recently born at the breeding farm in Pakenham, Ontario.

"It was inspiring to go through all the submissions and see how thoughtful the kids were with their suggestions. From Windsor and Wales, which pay tribute to our important connection with the Royal Family, to West, which reflects our early name of North-West Mounted Police. And, several selections pay tribute to the RCMP's Honour Roll, with Worden, Wilde and Wynn, which were touching to receive."

Sergeant Major Scott Williamson, Riding Master of the Musical Ride

The full list of 12 winning entries is:

  • Windsor – Gus, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
  • Wales – Matéo, Ottawa, Ontario (selected from the Open House)
  • Wayacawiw – Napew, Kinistino, Saskatchewan
  • Winnie – Kinsley, Winnipegosis, Manitoba
  • Warrant – Gavin, Pilot Butte, Saskatchewan
  • Worden – Leo, Prince George, British Columbia
  • Wilde – Alexie-Eve, Limoges, Ontario
  • Wynn – Finn, Garlands Crossing, Nova Scotia
  • Willow – Danica, Fredericton, New Brunswick
  • Wasabi – Joséphine, Quebec, Quebec
  • Whisper – Alyvia, Wheatley River, Prince Edward Island
  • West – Classroom entry from Janelle Brcic, École Father Jan (Grades 1 and 2), St-Albert, Alberta

The RCMP has been breeding its own horses for more than 80 years. In addition to being one of the largest licensed Hanoverian breeders in the country, the breeding program is internationally recognized for producing some of the finest Hanoverian horses in Canada.

Winners will receive a 2023 Musical Ride horseshoe, a picture of the horse they named and a certificate signed by the RCMP Commissioner.

For more information on the contest, or to learn more about the world famous Musical Ride, visit the RCMP website at RCMP.ca.


Contact information

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Media Relations

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