Change in action: Progress on the RCMP's Vision150 and Beyond

August 18, 2022
Ottawa, Ontario


As we approach our 150th anniversary, it's a good time to take stock of all the progress we've made so far. I'm pleased to highlight the latest round of updates on our modernization initiatives. Please visit Change at the RCMP to read about our progress and results.

Some of the highlights include:

  • A new net-zero carbon design for small detachments has gender-inclusive locker rooms and showers, and accessible washrooms
  • The race-based data collection system is being put into place. This information will be used to help address systemic racism
  • The Uniform Duty Shirt Pilot Project is underway, with diverse members from across Canada selected to pilot the prototype shirts
  • Local RCMP detachments and Indigenous justice programs are working together to increase restorative justice referrals and strengthen their working relationships as part of a joint RCMP and Department of Justice pilot project, started in spring 2022

New look

The refreshed Vision150 website will make it easier for you to find the information you're looking for and to learn more about the initiatives you're interested in, especially when navigating on mobile devices.

Let's continue to work together to make the RCMP a modern, inclusive organization that we are all proud of.


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