Witness Protection Program Advisory Committee issues its annual report to the RCMP Commissioner

May 13, 2022
Ottawa, Ontario

News release

The Witness Protection Program Advisory Committee has released its sixth annual report to the Commissioner of the RCMP. The Committee advises the Commissioner on matters related to the effective operation of the federal Witness Protection Program.

"The Witness Protection Program thanks the Advisory Committee for its report and remains committed to delivering quality services to protectees. The Committee congratulated the Program for its resiliency during the pandemic, and noted the efforts made on the mental health front, as it pertains to both protectees and Program employees," said Assistant Commissioner Michel Arcand, Federal Policing Criminal Operations.

Universally recognized as one of the most effective law enforcement tools to fight crime, witness protection facilitates the security of individuals, such as compromised informants, police agents and witnesses, who are the subject of substantial threats, intimidation or violence as a result of their assistance or involvement with law enforcement. The Witness Protection Program places protectees at the forefront of its decision making, and will continue to implement enhancements in the areas of risk assessment, effective procedures, and technology.

The RCMP, on behalf of Public Safety Canada, administers the federal Witness Protection Program as directed in the Witness Protection Program Act. The Program remains available to not only the RCMP, but all law enforcement agencies across Canada, foreign agencies, and federal security, defence and safety organizations.

The Witness Protection Program Advisory Committee is made up of independent subject matter experts and assesses the Program's functions, processes and protocols. The report provides formal recommendations on significant elements needed to continue the Program's evolution. This year's report is different than the previous iterations as the Committee, as well as the Program, were operating in the COVID-19 environment. The 2020-2021 report contains summaries of the Committee's virtual meetings, instead of the usual formal recommendations. The Committee congratulated the Program in their ability to be resilient in the current environment and praised their efforts on the mental health front, for both protectees and employees. It also encouraged the Program to continue with their efforts. The 2020-2021 report contains summaries of the Committee's virtual meetings, instead of the usual formal recommendations. The Committee congratulated the Program in their ability to be resilient in the current environment and also encouraged the Program to continue with their efforts.

The Witness Protection Program Advisory Committee report is available on the RCMP website.


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RCMP National Media Relations

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