RCMP Family Violence Initiative Fund

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The application period for the 2024-2025 Family Initiative Violence Fund runs from December 16, 2024-March 7, 2025.

Supporting communities and victims

The RCMP Family Violence Initiative Fund helps communities respond to relationship and family violence and victim issues. Funds are allocated to the RCMP by the Public Health Agency of Canada, under the federal Family Violence Initiative.

Since 2004, the fund has supported many initiatives across Canada. In 2024-2025, the fund supported 20 initiatives, with a total of $396,400.

Objectives of the fund

The fund helps to:

  • Promote awareness of relationship and family violence
  • Assist victims of family and relationship violence
  • Support Indigenous communities

How to use the fund

Examples of uses of the fund include:

  • Activities that prevent high-risk groups from reoffending
  • Presentations or workshops to increase public awareness
  • Activities that help victims of crime develop coping skills and resilience
  • Training for sexual assault investigators
  • Classroom programs for teens about personal and social skills
  • Musical and traditional activities to promote cultural awareness
  • Materials about local resources and support services

The fund does not cover any salary dollars or multi-year projects.

Who can apply

You can apply for funding if:

  • You are part of a community partner organization with a mandate to respond to and reduce incidents of family violence
  • Your application is supported by a local RCMP detachment.

How to apply

Contact your local RCMP detachment or send an email to rcmp.fvif-ifmvf.grc@rcmp-grc.gc.ca for an application package. Once completed, you should submit it to the divisional crime prevention coordinator for your area, as listed in the application package.


If you are applying from Ontario or British Columbia, your application should be supported by a local RCMP detachment and signed by the Detachment Commander.

More information

For questions or more information on the fund, please contact rcmp.fvif-ifmvf.grc@rcmp-grc.gc.ca.

Past projects

A path to healing workshop in Tisdale, Saskatchewan

The fund supported a community event to raise awareness about domestic violence in September 2023. The workshop taught attendees:

  • Deep insights into healing from trauma
  • Aspects of wellness
  • Tools to set and achieve goals
  • The importance of self-care
  • Tools to develop a resilient mindset to stay positive and focused

Camp Hope

In September 2023, the fund supported a three-day overnight retreat for survivors of child sexual abuse and their families. For children, the camp aims to:

  • Let kids be kids, and gain the skills and confidence to support their healing through play
  • Show children that they do not have to feel alone or different because of what happened to them, and that there are others just like them
  • Show children that they matter and that we as a community support them

Paddling workshop in Manitoba

In 2022, the fund supported an initiative to promote physical activity and connect with the land, Indigenous culture and Indigenous peoples.

Equestrian based peer support program

In 2021, the fund supported an equine therapy program for survivors of domestic and intimate partner violence. The program focuses on distress tolerance, emotional awareness, independence, self-esteem, and building healthy relationships.

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