Patrick Pelletier

Patrick Pelletier

Working in Regina, SK, Patrick is a Public Service Employee who joined the RCMP in 2020 after spending 13 years working for Employment and Social Development Canada.. When he joined the RCMP, he was the Cannabis Prevention and Engagement Coordinator, he's now the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator in "F" division.

As an RCMP employee, what would you tell a young public servant, RM or CM who's afraid to come out?

I would ask them what they're afraid of. Is it hearing yourself say it aloud? Is it the ridicule you imagine will come from admitting it? Is it because you feel society isn't ready for you to come out? No matter what the reason is, you should only come out when you feel ready to come out. In other words, when you want that weight off your shoulders, it's time. Maya Angelou said, "People treat you the way you allow them to treat you." If you don't like the way you're being treated, it's time to be your true self, my friend. So many people are here to support you, including me.

How would you like other employees to support their gender or sexually queer coworkers?

The first thing I would say is STOP asking why are they're "like that". Instead, ask yourself why it bothers you. Does it actually bother you? Focus on being thankful that not everyone is the same, then ask yourself what you can learn from diversity. How can it make you a better person? By supporting your gender or sexually queer coworkers, you become an ally and that's the most important role you can play. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to speak from my heart.

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