RCMP NL is reminding the motoring public of the legal requirements of a driver upon the approach of an emergency vehicle that has its lights and sirens activated.
In these situations, drivers are required to yield the right-of-way to the emergency vehicle. Immediately pull over to the right-hand side of the curb or edge of the roadway, clear of an intersection, stop and remain in that position until the emergency vehicle has passed.
Under no circumstances is a driver permitted to overtake an emergency vehicle travelling on the roadway with its lights and sirens activated. Emergency vehicles include both marked and unmarked police vehicles, fire engines/trucks and ambulances.
When lights and sirens are activated, emergency responders are responding to an emergency situation. Delays caused by motorists who fail to yield for emergency vehicles can have significant safety impacts for those requiring urgent assistance.
Those who fail to yield the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle can be charged under the Highway Traffic Act. The fine for a first-time offence range between $390.00 - $1170.00 and an accumulation of two demerit points.