Results of the RCMP / Winnipeg Police Service Holiday Checkstop Program

January 10, 2024
Winnipeg, Manitoba

News release

On December 1, 2023, the RCMP, along with the Winnipeg Police Service, Manitoba Public Insurance and MADD, announced the start of the annual Holiday Checkstop Program.

Winnipeg Police Service Patrol Sergeant Stephane Fontaine had a simple message for drivers, "If you're under the influence of alcohol or drugs, DON'T DRIVE".

The program, which took place from December 1, 2023, to January 1, 2024, saw numerous officers conducting checkstops and regular traffic patrols throughout the City of Winnipeg and Province of Manitoba. These are the results of this year's program.


  • 5223 vehicles checked
  • 853 Provincial Offences Act notices issued
  • 3436 Mandatory Alcohol Screenings administered
  • 46 Criminal Code alcohol impaired charges
  • 2 Criminal Code drug impaired charges
  • 4 Criminal Code failure or refusal to comply impaired charges
  • 88 alcohol immediate roadside prohibitions
  • 12 drug immediate roadside prohibitions
  • 290mg% was the highest blood alcohol content reported


  • 4023 vehicles checked
  • 111 Provincial Offences Act notices issued
  • 2050 Mandatory Alcohol Screenings administered
  • 13 Criminal Code alcohol impaired charges
  • 11 Criminal Code failure or refusal to comply impaired charges
  • 62 alcohol immediate roadside prohibitions
  • 5 drug immediate roadside prohibitions
  • 260mg% was the highest blood alcohol content reported

"It's clear from these results that many people chose to disregard our message," said Inspector Michael Gagliardi, Officer in Charge of RCMP Traffic Services. "We need to further drive that message home, that the number of collisions, the number of fatalities, and the number of people truly affected by impaired driving is just too high".


Contact information

Phone: 204-983-8497

Manitoba RCMP Media Relations Unit

Tara Seel, Media Relations Officer
Cpl. Julie Courchaine, Media Relations Officer
Sgt. Paul Manaigre, Media Relations Officer
Robert Cyrenne, Director Communications and Media Relations
Twitter @rcmpmb | @GRCManitoba |

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