RCMP stop 6 impaired drivers this week end.

March 4, 2024
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

News release

March 4, 2024, Charlottetown PEI – RCMP across PEI stopped 6 impaired drivers over the week end.

March 1st 12:03 Stratford, a 24-year-old man was stopped by an officer conducting traffic enforcement. He failed a road side cannabis test.

March 2nd 3:10 p.m. Millcove, an 18-year-old man went through a check point and failed a cannabis road side test.

March 2nd 6:25p.m. Oyster Bed Bridge, a 55-year-old man stopped at a police check point and failed a cannabis road side test.

March 2nd 8:00 p.m. Oyster Bed, a 29-year-old man was stopped at a check point and failed a cannabis road side test.

March 2nd 8:30 p.m. Cornwall, a 50-year-old woman was stopped for a traffic offence. As a result of a roadside test, her breath sample was below .08 mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood but was above .05. She will not be charged with impaired driving but provincial sanctions do apply. She was issued a 7-day driving suspension and a 3-day vehicle impoundment.

March 2nd 10:20 p.m. Police responded to a collision that resulted in a 56-year-old woman being arrested for impaired driving by alcohol. No one was injured in this incident.

"Impaired by cannabis investigations involve taking a blood sample from the accused. This sample is analysed and charges are laid based on results. In the vast majority of investigations that start with a failed road side test, impaired by cannabis charges are laid." – Cpl Gavin Moore Media Relations Officer for the PEI RCMP.

In 2023 RCMP in PEI laid charges on 76 Impaired by cannabis investigations, in total approximately 230 files resulted in impaired driving charges. So far this year RCMP have led 18 impaired by drug investigations.

If you see a suspected impaired driver call 911.


Contact information

Cpl. Gavin Moore
Media Relations Officer

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