RCMP charge a man following flight from police

April 16, 2024
Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia

News release

RCMP Halifax Regional Detachment has charged a man following flight from police in Ellershouse.

On April 14, at approximately 11:20 p.m., West Hants District RCMP observed a Nissan Maxima travelling East, at 160 km/h, on Hwy. 101 in Ellershouse. A traffic stop was attempted but the vehicle fled at a high rate of speed after stopping momentarily. In the interest of public safety, a pursuit was not initiated.

RCMP officers contacted their fellow officers in Lower Sackville who quickly located the Nissan, no longer travelling at a high rate of speed, on Hwy. 101 and making its way towards Dartmouth.

When officers attempted a second traffic stop, the vehicle fled a second time. However, officers had already deployed a spike belt ahead, on Dartmouth Rd, which was successful. A foot pursuit then followed.

A short distance later, with assistance from members of the Halifax Regional Police, a 26-year-old Dartmouth man was safely arrested and found in possession of more than 40 grams of cocaine and $2,000 cash.

Dion Edward Thomas, 26, has been charged with:

  • Flight from Police
  • Dangerous Operation of a Conveyance
  • Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking
  • Resist a Peace Officer

Thomas was held in custody, appeared in Dartmouth Provincial Court yesterday and was remanded into custody.

File # 24-49250, 2024-491170


Contact information

Cpl. Guillaume Tremblay
Public Information Officer
Nova Scotia RCMP

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