Meet Constable Mariah Carey - Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Women Police Officers in the RCMP

September 9, 2024
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

In your community


Yes, you read that right – PEI RCMP Constable Mariah Carey is one of the newest members of our team serving in Queens District, and we are so grateful to have her. Mariah hails from the Wolfville, N.S. area, but moved to P.E.I. shortly after earning her degree in criminology from St. Thomas University in Fredericton, N.B. When you ask Mariah why she wanted to become a Mountie, she'll give you a very straight answer, "There was no plan B for me. When I was in middle school, there was a woman RCMP officer who presented at our school and I knew right then and there, that's what I was going to do." Mariah also grew up with a keen interests in sports and athletics, embracing teamwork and environments where people could help each other achieve a common goal. "I've always loved being part of the communities where I lived, getting to know people is important and I want them to know they can count on me," adds Mariah.

Mariah specifically chose to study criminology, never losing sight of her aim to join the RCMP – remember there was no plan B! So, with her degree in hand, in June of 2022 she applied to the Force and a few months later, after the application process worked its magic, she was off to Depot in April 2023. Mariah was quick to adapt to life at Depot and she recalls enjoying every aspect of her experience there. "I loved Depot, we were super active, our days were so well planned out; I am someone who loves to keep busy, so the schedule of activities we had suited me perfectly," she says. Mariah is quick to acknowledge the great work of the facilitators and instructors at Depot who pushed them to be better, and gave them realistic examples of what policing would be like. Of all the activities at Depot, police fitness training was Mariah's favourite. "I took it as a personal challenge every time to try and beat the set times for each activity," she says. "And this one time I remember I set a Depot women's record for one of them…it might not stand any more, but I was super proud to have done that," adds Mariah.

By week 16 at Depot, Mariah recalls that things started to come into focus as to where she might actually go for her first posting. Now remember, she joined Depot from P.E.I., so coming back to the Island was her first choice. As fortune would have it, there were opportunities at the time, and Mariah would be successful in getting her first posting to Queens District. "Everyone in Depot, and other members I spoke to, all speak very highly of coming to police in P.E.I.," she says. "Sometimes people don't want to come back where they may have friends or family, but I wanted to be close to them, and I wanted to get involved in the community and really start building relationships," adds Mariah. In October of 2023 she started in L Division (P.E.I.) and was quickly impressed by the support everyone showed her. "As a newly graduated member, I had a million questions when I started, and I after a few months on the job now I have a million more, but I can't get over how much everyone wants to help and see you succeed," Mariah says. "The paperwork is a bit more than I imagined it would be, but I am loving the job so far."

Police work comes with various challenges, and just two months into her service, Mariah was tasked to respond to a multi-vehicle collision that resulted in the deaths of four people. These situations can be difficult for even the most seasoned police officer, but Mariah again credits her experience at Depot for helping her effectively react. In her words, here's what Mariah had to say about this incident, "Sure it was a bit overwhelming to come on to the scene. We were very close by, and able to respond quickly. You don't think you'll fall back on your training in those situations so quickly, but I sure did. I took things step-by-step, we called the resources we needed, and of course the other members of the team who responded all contributed to make our response to this incident the best it could be. I have also been very impressed with the after-care that is available to us for wellness and support. I've been able to talk about this situation openly when needed, so that I can look after myself as well, and that's important. L Division really has some fantastic resources in terms of caring for employees."

Mariah does not hesitate for a moment when asked what she would say to anyone, especially younger women, who might be considering joining the RCMP. "If you have a goal, and being an RCMP officer is that goal, you can achieve it," she says. "Sure, I had doubts at times, but I pushed through, I followed the necessary steps, didn't let delays in the process deter me, and I never doubted myself," she adds. Mariah encourages anyone thinking about a police career to get as much information as you can, to do the research and learn from those who have gone before. "I purposefully planned my studies at university in criminology to be a police officer and taking the time at university also helped me mature," she says. "Being involved in sports and volunteering in my community were also incredibly value things that I still do today. I'd tell people to follow your dreams; life's too short so don't take it for granted!"

If you get the chance to get an autograph from Mariah Carey, Constable Carey that is, you will truly have met a real rock star! Constable Carey is just one of the great officers PEI RCMP is proud to recognize in 2024, the 50th Anniversary of Women Police Officers in the RCMP.

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