Alberta RCMP promotes traffic safety over holiday season issuing over 2,400 tickets

January 2, 2024
Edmonton, Alberta

News release

Between Dec. 24, 2023 and Jan. 1, 2024, the Alberta RCMP worked to make it a #DecemberToRemember for all road users. In an effort to uphold traffic safety, RCMP carried out enforcement initiatives and issued a total of 2,459 traffic tickets across the province in addition to removing 189 impaired drivers from the roads.

Overall, 1,050 individuals were ticketed for speeding, and 15 drivers were ticketed for excessive speeding (51 km/h over the posted limit) with one motorist caught travelling 204 km/h in a 110 km/h zone. Forty motorists were caught distracted driving, and 1,354 motorists received tickets for traffic safety violations including careless driving, driving with a prohibited or suspended license, moving offences, and more.

For more traffic safety information, follow us on Facebook @RCMPinAlberta and X @RCMPAlberta.


Contact information

Alberta RCMP Media Relations

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