One March 17, 2023, North District Combined Traffic Services Saskatchewan (CTSS) officers were conducting proactive check stops in the Stony Rapids area. At approximately 5:45 p.m., officers stopped a vehicle and observed alcohol inside. Through investigation, they determined the occupants had illegally purchased beer at significantly inflated prices from an unauthorized seller.
As part of the subsequent investigation, CTSS and Black Lake RCMP executed a search warrant at a business in Stony Rapids. They located and seized approximately 640 cans of beer, 24 bottles of hard liquor and 14 bottles and four boxes of wine. Investigators determined the business was not licensed to sell alcohol that could be removed from the premises.
As a result of continued investigation and consultation with the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority, the business was charged with illegal sale of beverage alcohol, Section 138(1) of the Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Act. The business is scheduled to appear in court in Black Lake on May 2, 2023.
"North District CTSS officers were in the far north conducting proactive patrols. Our primary focus is on ensuring the safety of our roads, but when we come across evidence of other unsafe behaviour or illegal activities, we investigate it thoroughly as you can see in this situation," says Cpl. Blair de Bruin from North District CTSS. "Illegal alcohol sales are a safety concern. Licensing is in place to help ensure that alcohol is sold in a responsible way."
North District CTSS recently completed several proactive safety patrols on a number of Saskatchewan's northernmost roads. Cpl. de Bruin adds that the officers are grateful for the support of the communities they visited, and the shared commitment to community safety.