RCMP Youth Leadership Workshop

February 7, 2023
Regina, Saskatchewan

Media Advisory

What: The media is invited to attend Friday's keynote address at the RCMP Youth Leadership Workshop, at the RCMP Academy, Depot Division. This is an opportunity for local media to get a glimpse into the workshop, and to highlight the positive changes young people can make by taking leadership and getting involved in their communities.

Keynote Speaker: Joe Roberts | Skid Row CEO

When: Friday, February 10, 2023, from 9 to 11:00 a.m. CST

Where: RCMP Academy, Depot Division in Regina, Saskatchewan

Accredited members of the media are invited to attend the RCMP Youth Leadership Workshop on Friday, February 10, 2023. If you would like to attend, you are required to contact Depot Division Media Relations by email or phone to arrange for an escort. All media attendance requests must be submitted by 12:00 PM on Thursday, February 9, 2023.

All members of the media are required to leave a piece of government-issued identification in order to receive a visitor's pass. Visitors must be accompanied at all times while at the RCMP Academy.

Who: RCMP mentors and representatives from National Youth Services will be available to speak to the media.


Contact information

RCMP Depot Division Media Relations


RCMP National Youth Leadership Workshop

A group of 13 grades 9-12 students from across Canada are attending the workshop, each accompanied by an RCMP police mentor from their respective communities. They are working on community action plans to help address a youth crime or victimization issue in their community. They are also taking part in interactive educational sessions and hearing from well-known guest speakers.


Joe Roberts | Skid Row CEO

Joe Roberts will be in attendance to speak about substance use and youth homelessness. The Skid Row CEO's life has had its' share of obstacles. In 1989, he lived on the streets of Vancouver, as a homeless addict. Through perseverance, determination and resiliency, Joe pulled himself out of despair. He maximized this second chance in life to create extraordinary business success but he didn't stop there. Joe and his wife Marie, started The Push for Change Foundation, a charity advocating for youth homelessness prevention. In September 2017, Joe completed his 17-month, 9000 kilometre walk across Canada to raise awareness and funds for this cause. Joe's story is a living testament to the idea that "anything is possible'.

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