Operation Impact: RCMP to increase traffic enforcement on Thanksgiving weekend

October 6, 2023
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

News release

Over Thanksgiving weekend, October 6 - 9, Nova Scotia RCMP will join police forces across Canada to increase traffic enforcement as part of Operation Impact, an annual initiative to increase road safety.

The goal of Operation Impact is to minimize injuries and save lives by promoting safe driving and reducing the four most significant factors causing serious and fatal collisions: impaired driving, distracted driving, aggressive driving and not wearing a seatbelt or wearing one incorrectly.

Checkpoints will be set up in different locations with the goal of protecting road users by removing impaired drivers from roadways and ensuring compliance with safe driving practices. During Operation Impact, Nova Scotia RCMP will increase targeted enforcement throughout the province.

Police tend to see an increase in traffic during long weekends and Nova Scotia RCMP asks motorists to plan ahead to ensure everyone arrives safely to Thanksgiving celebrations. If you see a driver who is an immediate threat to road safety, call 911 and pass the following information along, if possible:

  • A description of the vehicle and driver
  • A licence plate number
  • The direction the vehicle is travelling

Operation Impact is led by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) in support of Canada's Road Safety Strategy 2025, which has a goal of making Canada's roads the safest in the world.


Contact information

Corporal Chris Marshall
Public Information Officer
Nova Scotia RCMP

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