On Friday, June 2, 2023, 25 candidates graduated from the summer 2023 session of the Indigenous Pre-Cadet Training Program (IPTP) at the RCMP Academy (Depot Division).
Candidates arrived at the Academy from across the country to take part in this three-week program designed to give young First Nations, Inuit and Métis people a first-hand look at a career in policing.
Much like cadets enrolled in the Cadet Training Program, the IPTP candidates stay in dorms, dine in the mess, and have full training days. Upon completion of the program, they take part in a graduation ceremony.
Throughout training, participants, aged 19 to 29, learned about various RCMP career specializations and cultural diversity. They studied policing techniques and met with Indigenous RCMP officers from across Canada. Many of these RCMP officers and mentors previously graduated from the IPTP program.
Among they many training activities, candidates also took part in events happening at Depot. This year they worked together to raise Depot's tipi and joined a troop of cadets, staff and the Commanding Officer to participate in Regina's Sikh Day Parade.
This division is thrilled to share that this year three candidates from the 2022 IPTP program are currently enrolled as cadets in the Cadet Training Program.
For more information on the IPTP program, please visit: https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/indigenous-pre-cadet-training-program
It gives Indigenous youth the opportunity to experience a training session and a first-hand view of what a possible career in policing could entail. Having been through the program myself, it gives you the self-confidence and the know-how to move forward and decide if this is the career for you.
Corporal Maureen Greyeyes-Brant, National Coordinator, RCMP Indigenous Relations Services
We were thrilled to host IPTP at the RCMP Academy. Learning together brings a valuable perspective and understanding of the unique cultures that make up the communities we serve. This year was special as candidates were able to connect with three current cadets who were in last year's program."
Chief Superintendent Sylvie Bourassa-Muise, Commanding Officer, Depot Division