Total number of calls: 447
- Priority 1: 13
- Priority 2: 112
- Priority 3: 152
- Priority 4: 170
Operational files of note
Please note, locations refer to the RCMP detachment responsible for the area in which the incident occurred.
- Campbellton. Impaired driver, assault on a police officer. Individual arrested.
- Chaleur Region. Two-vehicle collision. Three individuals transported to hospital.
- Doaktown. Individual in mental distress. Individual transported to hospital.
- Doaktown. Individual in mental distress. Individual spoken to.
- Caledonia Region. Theft of vehicle, stolen vehicle recovered. Two individuals arrested.
- Grand Bay-Westfield. Theft from a business. Investigation ongoing.
- Hampton. Individual in mental distress. Individual transported to hospital.
- Shediac. Missing person. Youth located safe.
- Shediac. Individual In mental distress, assault. Individual transported to hospital.
- Sackville. Sexual assault. Investigation ongoing.
- Hampton. Missing persons. Two youth located safe.
- Saint Andrews. Sudden death. No criminality suspected.
- Saint-Léonard. Assault. Investigation ongoing.
- Western Valley Region. Sudden death. No criminality suspected.
- Western Valley Region. Individual in mental distress. Individual transported to hospital.
- Moncton. Wellbeing check. Individual spoken to.
- Moncton. Missing person. Investigation ongoing.
- Moncton. Missing person. Investigation ongoing.