Daily Occurrence Report: 6 am June 12 to 6 am June 13

June 14, 2023
Fredericton, New Brunswick

Daily occurrence report

Total number of calls: 482

  • Priority 1: 10
  • Priority 2: 118
  • Priority 3: 192
  • Priority 4: 162

Operational files of note

Please note, locations refer to the RCMP detachment responsible for the area in which the incident occurred.


  1. Chaleur Region. Break and enter into a business. Investigation ongoing.
  2. Chaleur Region. Individual in mental distress. Individual spoken to.


  1. Caledonia Region. Individual in mental distress. Individual spoken to.
  2. Elsipogtog. Individual in mental distress. Individual transported to hospital.
  3. Elsipogtog. Assault. Investigation ongoing.
  4. Hampton. Wellbeing check. Individual spoken to.


  1. Keswick. Missing person. Individual located safe.
  2. Keswick. Sudden death. No criminality suspected.
  3. Oromocto. Theft of vehicle. Investigation ongoing.
  4. Perth-Andover. Sudden death. No criminality suspected.
  5. Tobique. Individual in mental distress. Individual transported to hospital.
  6. Western Valley Region. Hit and run collision. Investigation ongoing.


  1. Moncton. Armed robbery. Investigation ongoing.
  2. Moncton. Armed robbery. Investigation ongoing.
  3. Moncton. Sudden death. No criminality suspected.
  4. Moncton. Individual in mental distress. Individual transported to hospital.
  5. Moncton. Missing person. Investigation ongoing.


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