Antigonish County District RCMP arrest two youths for incidents in Antigonish County

October 12, 2023
Antigonish, Nova Scotia

News release

Antigonish County District RCMP has arrested two youths in relation to incidents in Antigonish County.

On October 1, at approximately 2:15 a.m., Antigonish County District RCMP responded to a report of a break-in at a convenience store on Hwy. 316 in St. Andrews. RCMP officers learned that two people had arrived at the convenience store on an ATV, broke a window and entered the store and stole liquor, before fleeing the area.

Later that morning, RCMP officers observed two people on an ATV driving recklessly around Antigonish, including on sidewalks. RCMP officers attempted a traffic stop, however the driver fled the area on the ATV with the passenger.

Through continued investigation, RCMP officers determined that the two incidents were related.

On October 6, RCMP officers arrested the driver of the ATV, a 17-year-old male youth, at the Antigonish Detachment. The youth was later released on conditions and will be facing numerous charges including Dangerous Operation of a Conveyance, Break and Enter, Mischief and offences under the Off-Highway Vehicle Act, including operating an off-highway vehicle on highway, failing to wear a helmet and failing to stop for a peace officer.

On October 11, RCMP officers arrested the passenger of the ATV, a 14-year-old male youth, at the Antigonish Detachment. The youth was later released on conditions and will be facing charges of Break and Enter, Mischief and Theft under $5,000.

Both youths will appear in court at a later date.

File #'s: 2023-1460060, 2023-1486344


Contact information

Sgt. Warren Mcbeath
Antigonish County District RCMP

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