Manitoba RCMP Monthly Police-Reported Crime Statistics – June 2022

August 12, 2022
Winnipeg, Manitoba

News release

Calls for Service - June 2021 to June 2022:

East District: - 16% (8,695 to 7,262)

West District: - 1% (5,121 to 5,080)

North District: -7% (7,159 to 6,634)

Overall, the Districts' occurrence counts combined decreased by 10% (from 20,975 to 18,976), with decreases in all Districts and Manitoba East District experiencing the largest decrease of 16%.

Divisionally, Crimes against Person decreased 24% (1,906 to 1,783) and Crimes against Property increased 60% (2,578 to 3,110) over June 2021.

For a listing of the communities served by each District, please visit:

Manitoba East District

During June 2022, Manitoba East District reported decreases in all categories, except for Crimes against Property over the same period in 2021. The following increases and decreases are being highlighted:

Common Police Activities

There was a decrease overall of 11% (989 to 877) while Wellbeing checks were up 19% (131 to 156) but the Breach of Peace sub-category was down 29% (227 to 162).

Crimes Against Person

This category had an overall decrease of 18% (488 to 400); specifically noted, Sexual Offences decreased 29% (55 to 39) and Assaults decreased 20% (300 to 241).

Crimes Against Property

Overall, there was a very minimal increase of 2% (900 to 922) with the largest increase in Fraud up by 51% (53 to 80). Theft under $5,000 and Break & Enter both increased similarly, up 31% (166 to 218) and 30% (90 to 117), respectively. Meanwhile, Arson decreased 43% (7 to 4) and Mischief decreased 20% (462 to 371).

Drug Enforcement

Overall, Drug Enforcement decreased by 59% (49 to 21) with Possession down 60% (20 to 8) and Trafficking down 54% (24 to 11).

Manitoba West District

During June 2022, Manitoba West District reported increases in Crimes against Property but decreases overall in the other categories. The following are being highlighted:

Common Police Activities

Overall the category decreased very minimally by 1% (649 to 641), with the largest decrease seen in Suspicious Person/Vehicle/Property down 17% (301 to 249) while the largest increase occurred in Wellbeing Checks up 36% (83 to 113).

Crimes against Person

The category decreased overall by 4% (367 to 353) and the Assault sub-category decreased by 14% (228 to 197).

Crimes against Property

There was an overall increase of 21% (681 to 821); Theft under $5,000 increased 79% (140 to 251) and Possession of Stolen Goods increased 62% (13 to 21) while Break and Enters decreased 11% (114 to 101).

Drug Enforcement

Drug Enforcement decreased overall by 13% (46 to 40), specifically, Possession was down by 23% (13 to 10) and Trafficking was down 22% (27 to 21).

Manitoba North District

During June 2022, over June 2021, of all four categories, Manitoba North District reported the largest increase in Crimes against Property and the largest decrease in Common Police Activities. The following increases and decreases are being highlighted:

Common Police Activities

There was an overall decrease of 16% (1087 to 912) with the largest specific decrease in the Breach of Peace sub-category down by 28% (524 to 376).

Crimes Against Person

Overall this category decreased by 2% (1051 to 1030) with the largest decrease in Sexual Assaults down 32% (56 to 38).

Crimes Against Property

Overall there was an increase of 37% (997 to 1367); specifically, Theft over $5,000 increased 70% (23 to 39), Mischief increased 29% (766 to 1065) and Break & Enters increased 27 % (73 to 93).

Drug Enforcement

Overall the Drug Enforcement category decreased by 16% (56 to 47) with Trafficking down 39% (39 to 33).

The complete statistics can be found here:

Any questions on the statistics can be directed to the Manitoba RCMP Media Relations Unit.


Contact information

RCMP Media Relations
Twitter @rcmpmb | @GRCManitoba |

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