Starting September 1, 2021, and running through the Labour Day weekend, RCMP NL expects to see an increased presence of members of the Outlaws Motorcycle Club (MC) in the province, particularly in Central Newfoundland.
An outlaw motorcycle gang generally is any group of motorcycle riders and/or supporters who:
voluntarily make a commitment to band together
abide by their organization's rules, and
engage in criminal activities.
The Outlaws Motorcycle Club identifies itself as a "1% Club", as do other outlaw motorcycle gangs. The 1% symbol, which can be seen as a patch, pin or tattoo, distinguishes outlaw motorcycle riders from the majority of motorcycle enthusiasts who are law-abiding citizens.
Outlaw motorcycle gangs have been known to ride in formations at high rates of speed, pass highway vehicles in an unsafe manner and block intersections, as well as congregating at stops along the highway. RCMP NL urges the public not to engage with these gangs and to instead report sightings and any suspected illegal or suspicious activity to police.
Further information about outlaw motorcycle gangs can be found at the links below.