RCMP charge three drivers with stunting in just over 12 hours

November 15, 2021
Halifax Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia

News release

Halifax District RCMP charge three drivers for stunting in just over 12 hours on November 14 in the Halifax Regional Municipality.

At 12:15 p.m. a driver was located going 166 km/h in a 110 km/h zone on Hwy. 101 in Upper Sackville.

At 3:50 p.m. a driver was observed travelling 150 km/h in a 100 km/h zone on Hwy. 101 in Lower Sackville.

Another driver was located at 9 p.m. travelling 162 km/h in a 100 km/h zone on Hwy. 107 in Musquodoboit Harbour.

Each driver was charged with Stunting under the Nova Scotia Motor Vehicle Act and had their licence and vehicle seized for 7 days. One driver produced a "warn" result on a roadside screening test and the driver was issued a seven-day suspension

The fine for stunting in Nova Scotia is $2,422.50. Speed is one of the major causes of serious injury and fatal collisions on our roads. Road safety is a priority for the RCMP, and drivers are reminded to make it their priority as well. If you see someone driving unsafely on our roads, please report it by calling the RCMP at 1-800-803-RCMP (7267). If you believe it is an emergency, call 911.

File # 21-141617, 21-141691, 21-141802


Contact information

Cpl. Lisa Croteau
Public Information Officer
Halifax District RCMP
Cell : 902-830-5695
Email : lisa.croteau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

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