It was just after 3:00 in the afternoon on February 21, 2021, and the conditions of the day were excellent for two groups of riders heading out on snowmobiles: -10C with a south wind. The trails were a bit rough due to lack of snow, but nothing that would deter these seasoned snowmobilers. The two groups were unknown to each other and had set out on the trails heading in a direction that would have them meet head on near Freedom Road.
The two groups met on a curve. It appears one snowmobile may have been over too far and tried to correct when the driver saw the oncoming sleds, but he overcorrected, causing the machine to roll with the rider still on it. A driver from the other group was thrown from his sled when it collided with the rolling snowmobile.
Two Falcon Beach RCMP officers were out on a snowmobile patrol when they received the dispatch of the collision and were on scene very quickly. The two 54-year-old men involved in the collision, one from Niverville and one from Winnipeg, both received injuries, with one requiring a trip to the hospital. When the police officers saw the equipment of the rider from Winnipeg who had rolled on his snowmobile, there was a stark reminder of what could have happened if the rider had been less prepared.
A hole in the rider's helmet went almost all the way through. His jacket had extra protection padding, which was now exposed and scraped up. If he had not been wearing this equipment, he likely would not have survived to tell the tale. Without safety equipment, this day would have ended in tragedy.
The RCMP share these photos with the permission of the rider to remind everyone that while doing any activity, take safety precautions and ensure that you have the proper equipment – it could just save your life.
No charges were laid in this investigation. Alcohol was not a factor.