In response to those attending GraceLife Church today and the increased police presence, including additional traffic enforcement units in the area, the Alberta RCMP are issuing the following statement:
The Alberta RCMP will continue to act to preserve the peace and maintain public safety. The RCMP will use only the level of intervention necessary to ensure the safety of all citizens and to maintain peace, order, and security.
The RCMP uses necessary measures to protect the fundamental freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression, to promote the safety of all citizens, to enforce laws and to maintain peace and order. In turn, it must be recognized that while everyone has a right to peaceful freedom of expression; the general public, local residents and businesses also have the right to a safe environment.
Motorists can expect an increased traffic enforcement presence along Highway 627 and other area roadways. The RCMP would like to advise everyone that property north of Highway 627 in the area of GraceLife Church is Enoch Cree First Nation territory. Parking north of Highway 627 on Enoch Cree First Nation and parking or stopping on the highway itself is not permitted.
Motorists are reminded that all Alberta Traffic Safety Act infractions will be enforced including parking violations on all roadways. Motorists are reminded to follow all posted speed limits and to follow all directions by a peace officer. Pedestrians are also reminded to follow all the rules of the road such as jaywalking and stunting.