RCMP continue operations at Yellowknife Detachment

October 16, 2020
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

News release

RCMP are aware that one of their detachments (Yellowknife) has been included by the Office of the Chief Public Health Officer, as a possible point for contract tracing in the recent announcements concerning the three presumptive cases announced October 16.

Police services remain intact with 24-7-365 availability across the Northwest Territories.

If a person requires police services, CALL your local detachment 1111 number or 911. NT RCMP will respond as appropriate.

We want to remind you that due to the pandemic, police are using additional COVD19 pre-screening questions in our Operational Communications Centre (OCC) to better prepare for a COVID-19 related response.

In respect to Yellowknife Detachment, the entrance to the Yellowknife Detachment, located at 5010 Veterans Memorial Drive, has been mentioned by the deputy CHPO. The time of potential contact is reported as Tuesday, October 13, between 11:00 am and 11:30 am. If you attended the Yellowknife RCMP detachment front entrance on this date and time, please contact NWT Protect for direction.

The RCMP is engaging with GNWT Public Health and Department of Justice to learn more information on the announcement of location, date and time for possible contact tracing.

In the meantime, RCMP would like to remind the public that the RCMP, throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, immediately implemented a multi-layered approach to services at detachments. This has included reduced counter services and service hours.

For Yellowknife Detachment, front counter services are accessible via a double door system. Each door separates the exterior of the entrance – from the waiting area. In fact, the inside door remains locked until the person is admitted entrance. Front counter staff limit the number of persons admitted to the entrance area, and have preventative measures available including masks and hand sanitizer. A plexiglass window separates the public and the front counter staff. The front counter staff office is separated by a door from the operating detachment area.

Superintendent Jeff Christie, NT RCMP Criminal Operations Officer advises "We want to assure the people of the Northwest Territories that public safety remains our focus. As the police of jurisdiction in the Northwest Territories, we will continue to provide policing services and will maintain operations at our RCMP Detachments".


Contact information

Marie York-Condon
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Media Relations
Northwest Territories RCMP – Yellowknife, NT
Office: (867)765.3709

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