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Map 1

Map of Nova Scotia highlighting the location of Wentworth, Portapique, Debert, Shubenacadie, Milford and Enfield and their proximity to Halifax.
Map 2

A topographical map of the region of Nova Scotia where shooting incidents occurred. Markers depict the locations and start times of incidents:
- Portapique (10:26pm, April 18)
- Wentworth (9:35am, April 19)
- Debert (10:08am, April 19)
- Shubenacadie (10:49am, April 19)
- Enfield (approximately 11:26am, April 19)
Map 3

A closer view of the locations in Portapique, Nova Scotia where shooting incidents first occurred. Markers depict where victims were found on:
- Portapique Beach Road
- Orchard Beach Road
- Bayview Court
Map 4

A close-up map of the area of Nova Scotia where shooting incidents occurred. Markers depict the locations where victims were found as well as the start time of each incident:
- Portapique (11:26pm, April 18)
- Wentworth (9:35am, April 19)
- Debert (10:06 am, April 19)
Map 5

A close-up map of the locations in Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia where shooting incidents occurred. Markers depict where victims were found on Highway 2.
Map 6

A close-up map of the area of Nova Scotia where shooting incidents occurred. Markers depict the following locations where victims were found as well as the start time of the incident:
- Milford (10:49am, April 19)
- Enfield (approximately 11:26am, April 19)