Impaired driving charges are pending against 14 drivers and an additional 23 drivers were handed roadside suspensions as a result of checkstops conducted by the New Brunswick RCMP on National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day on May 20.
More than 100 checkstops were conducted throughout the province with more than 8000 vehicles checked.
"People are regularly killed and seriously injured by impaired drivers. In fact, impaired driving remains the number one criminal cause of death in Canada," says Sgt. Chantal Farrah of the New Brunswick RCMP. "The message seems simple but some are still not getting it. If you're drinking and/or taking drugs that impair you, do not drive. Have an alternative plan to get home prior to becoming impaired."
The New Brunswick RCMP conducts checkstops throughout the year all over the province. In 2016, almost 900 people were charged for impaired driving in New Brunswick RCMP jurisdiction.
Anyone who spots a suspected impaired driver is asked to call 911. Providing a description of the vehicle and driver, a licence plate number and direction of travel can assist RCMP members in locating the vehicle and getting the impaired driver off the road.