Discover the Musical Ride farrier shop
Discover the Musical Ride farrier shop
(A male farrier strikes a horseshoe.)
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Welcome to the farrier shop at the RCMP stables in Ottawa!
(The farrier leads a horse out of its stall.)
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Take a look at how the farrier shoes a horse.
(The farrier lifts one of the horse's legs.)
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The shoe is set with special nails which are secured through the hoof outer wall.
(Resting the hoof on his leg, the farrier aligns the horseshoe to the horse's hoof.)
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The horse doesn't feel them.
(The farrier secures the horseshoe to the horse's hoof by hammering in nails.)
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Not just anyone is qualified to do this job.
(The farrier works on a horse's hoof.)
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A farrier is a specialist in horse hoof care.
(The farrier trims a horse's hoof.)
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Our farriers trim, balance and place the horseshoes on a horse.
(The farrier secures a horseshoe to a horse's hoof by hammering in nails.)
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Hoof care is crucial to our horses' health, which is our top priority.
(Horses and riders in Red Serge in the charge formation, moving towards the camera.)
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A horseshoe prevents injury to the foot or uneven wear on the hoof.
(Images of the RCMP's two farriers: Dwayne Hay and Gordon Nesbitt.)
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There are two farriers with the RCMP.
(A horseshoe glows, as the farrier heats it up over hot coals.)
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They have to have years of experience before they can work for the Musical Ride.
(The farrier strikes the glowing horseshoe.)
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They must also pass a written and a technical exam.
(The camera pans from the back to the front of the outside of an RCMP trailer.)
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When the Musical Ride is on tour, a farrier travels with them to tend to the horses.
(A shot from inside the trailer of multiple horses being transported.)
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On average the farrier sees six to eight horses in a day.
(Aerial shot of a Musical Ride show at an outdoor venue.)
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Each horse sees the farrier every four to six weeks.
(Resting a horse's hoof on his leg, the farrier secures a horseshoe to the hoof by hammering in nails.)
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The horses go through 1,200 to 1,500 horseshoes in a year.
That's a lot of horseshoes!
(The farrier dips a glowing hot horseshoe in a bucket of water, causing steam to rise.)
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Come see the farriers at work at the Musical Ride Centre in Ottawa.
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Royal Canadian Mounted Police / Gendarmerie royale du Canada signature
© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 2020.
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Canada Wordmark
The use of this video is restricted for the promotion of RCMP Musical Ride performance(s). You must receive prior written consent from the RCMP Intellectual Property Office for any other use.
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